Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 13
translation: limit, extreme, very, utmost
kyoku, goku
極: mune: ridge (of a roof) <<<
極める: kiwameru: go to extremes, investigate thoroughly, make an extensive study (of), make a thorough research (after, for, into), master <<< ,
極まる: kiwamaru: go to extremes
極み: kiwami: limit, extreme, utmost (n.)
極めて: kiwamete: very, extremely, awfully, exceedingly
極め付きの: kiwametsukino: widely acknowledged <<<
極める: kimeru: decide (jp.), fix, determine <<<
極め: kime: promise (n., jp.), contract
Kanji words: 消極 , 南極 , 極光 , 積極 , 極秘 , 電極 , 極東 , 太極 , 極意 , 究極 , 極上 , 極悪 , 極限 , 北極 , 極道
Expressions: 多忙を極める , 喧騒を極める , 極意を極める , 絶頂を極める , 頂上を極める , 悲惨を極める , 横暴を極める , 奢りを極める , 見極める

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