Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 12
translation: scissor (v.), shear
揃える: soroeru: arrange, put in order, complete
揃う: sorou: become [be] complete (jp.), be arranged in order, gather, meet, assemble, agree, be uniform, match
揃った: sorotta: complete, perfect, uniform, even, equal, same
揃って: sorotte: all together, in a body, all alike
揃い: soroi: a set (jp.), a suit <<< スーツ
揃いの: soroino: uniform, of the same pattern <<< ユニホーム
揃る: kiru: scissor (v.), shear <<<
Expressions: 足並を揃える , 足並が揃った , 人数が揃う , 声を揃えて , 粒が揃った , 口を揃えて , 咲き揃う , 出揃う
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