Japanese display

category: to learn in school
other spells: 傳
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 6
translation: communicate, inform, spread, propagate
den, ten
伝: den: life, biography, way, method
伝える: tsutaeru: communicate (vt.), inform, propagate
伝わる: tsutawaru: communicate (vi.), spread
伝う: tsutau: go [walk] along
伝え聞く: tsutaekiku: hear [learn] from others, learn [know] by hearsay <<<
伝: shukuba: relay station, stage <<< 宿場
伝: tada: pers.
Kanji words: 秘伝 , 伝票 , 手伝 , 伝言 , 遺伝 , 伝承 , 伝記 , 外伝 , 伝導 , 伝統 , 宣伝 , 伝達 , 伝道 , 伝説 , 伝令 , 伝染
Expressions: 偉人伝 , 伝言を伝える , 白蛇伝 , 磯伝いに

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