
画数: 10
翻訳:afraid, fear, fearful, dread, dreadful, horror, horrible, terror, terrible, awe, awful, scary
恐れ: おそれ: fear, dread, terror, horror, reverence, awe, apprehension, danger
恐れながら: おそれながら: most humbly [respectfully]
恐れ多い: おそれおおい: gracious, awful <<<
恐れ多くも: おそれおおくも: graciously <<<
恐れ入る: おそれいる: be awestruck, be sorry, feel small, be embarrassed [confounded, disconcerted], be astonished [surprised] (at, to) <<<
恐れ戦く: おそれおののく: tremble with fear, be in fear and trembling <<<
恐れる: おそれる: be afraid of, fear (v.), dread
恐ろしい: おそろしい: scary, awful, fearful, dreadful, terrible, horrible, frightful, forbidding, horrendous
恐ろしく: おそろしく: awfully, fearfully, dreadfully, terribly
恐ろしさ: おそろしさ: frightfulness, fear (n.), terror, awe
恐らく: おそらく: perhaps, possibly, maybe
恐るべき: おそるべき: fearful, terrible, formidable
恐る恐る: おそるおそる: in fear, timidly, reverently, in awe and reverence, cautiously, gingerly
恐い: こわい: fearful, horrible, terrible, awful <<<
熟語:恐竜 , 恐喝 , 恐慌 , 恐怖

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