
キーワード: 保安
画数: 6
翻訳:danger, risk, peril

危ない: あぶない: dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous, insecure, unsafe, critical, serious, grave, Look out! Be careful!
危ない目に遭う: あぶないめにあう: be exposed to a danger
危ない橋を渡る: あぶないはしをわたる: tread [walk] on thin ice
危ない所を助かる: あぶないところをたすかる: have a lucky escape, have a close shave, escape by the skin of one's teeth
危うい: あやうい: compromising, dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous
危うくする: あやうくする: endanger, imperil, jeopardize
危ぶむ: あやぶむ: be afraid (of, that), fear, have misgivings (about), doubt (v.), be doubtful (of, whether), distrust
熟語:危篤 , 危地 , 危険 , 危機 , 危害

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