Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: 一眼 , 拡散 , 拡大 , 干渉 , 眼鏡 , 輝度 , 屈折 , 顕微鏡 , 幻灯 , 広角


pronunciation: ichigan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: one eye, one lens
一眼レフ: ichiganrehu: single-lens reflex camera
一眼レフカメラ: ichiganrehukamera


pronunciation: kakusan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: scattering, diffusion, proliferation
拡散する: kakusansuru: scatter, diffuse
拡散性: kakusansei: diffusible <<<
拡散面: kakusanmen: diffuse surface <<<
拡散光: kakusankou: diffuse light <<<
拡散反射: kakusanhansha: diffuse reflection <<< 反射
拡散指数: kakusanshisuu: diffusion index <<< 指数
拡散係数: kakusankeisuu <<< 係数
拡散防止: kakusanboushi: non-proliferation <<< 防止


pronunciation: kakudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: enlargement, spreading, stretching, expansion
拡大する: kakudaisuru: enlarge, spread, stretch, expand
拡大鏡: kakudaikyou: magnifying glass <<<
拡大率: kakudairitsu: magnifying power <<<
拡大解釈: kakudaikaishaku: broad interpretation <<< 解釈
拡大政策: kakudaiseisaku: politics [policy] of expansion <<< 政策
拡大コピー: kakudaikopii: enlarged photocopy
拡大レンズ: kakudairenzu: enlarging lens
related words: 縮小


pronunciation: kanshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics , politics
translation: interference, meddling, intervention
干渉する: kanshousuru: interfere, meddle, intervene
干渉好き: kanshouzuki: meddlesome person, meddler, busybody <<<
干渉計: kanshoukei: interferometer <<<
干渉縞: kanshoujima: band of interference <<<
干渉主義: kanshoushugi: interventionism <<< 主義
干渉主義者: kanshoushugisha: interventionist <<<
不干渉: hukanshou: noninterference, nonintervention <<<
無干渉: mukanshou <<<
無干渉主義: mukanshoushugi: non intervention policy <<< 主義
synonyms: 御節介 , 妨害 , 邪魔


pronunciation: gankyou, megane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: メガネ
keyword: accessory , optics
translation: (pair of) glasses [spectacles]
眼鏡を掛ける: meganeokakeru: wear [put on] spectacles <<<
眼鏡を掛けた: meganeokaketa: with glasses, bespectacled
眼鏡を外す: meganeohazusu: take off one's glasses <<<
眼鏡の縁: meganenohuchi: rim of glasses, spectacle frame <<<
眼鏡のフレーム: meganenohureemu
眼鏡の弦: meganenotsuru: leg of glasses <<<
眼鏡の玉: meganenotama: spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens <<<
眼鏡入れ: meganeire: spectacle case <<<
眼鏡ケース: meganekeesu
眼鏡に適う: meganenikanau: win a person's heart, find favor with <<<
眼鏡越しに: meganegoshini: over (the rim of) one's spectacles [glasses] <<<
眼鏡越しに見る: meganegoshinimiru: look over (the rim of) one's spectacles, glance at (a person) from over one's glasses <<<
眼鏡屋: meganeya: optician <<<
片眼鏡: katamegane: monocle <<<
鼻眼鏡: hanamegane: pince-nez <<<


pronunciation: kido
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: luminance
related words: 照度


pronunciation: kussetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: refraction, inflection
屈折する: kussetsusuru: refract, reverberate, bend
屈折率: kussetsuritsu: refractive index <<<
屈折力: kussetsuryoku: flexibility <<<
屈折角: kussetsukaku: refraction angle <<<
屈折計: kussetsukei: refractometer <<<
屈折光線: kussetsukousen: refractive beam <<< 光線
屈折自在: kussetsujizai: flexible, pliant
屈折語: kussetsugo: inflecting [inflected] language <<<
屈折言語: kussetsugengo <<< 言語
屈折望遠鏡: kussetsubouenkyou: refracting telescope, refractor <<< 望遠鏡
related words: 反射


pronunciation: kenbikyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: optics
translation: microscope
顕微鏡の: kenbikyouno: microscopic
顕微鏡的: kenbikyouteki <<<
顕微鏡で見る: kenbikyoudemiru: look at (a thing) through a microscope, see (a thing) under a microscope <<<
顕微鏡で調べる: kenbikyoudeshiraberu: examine through a microscope <<< 調
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 検査
顕微鏡写真: kenbikyoushashin: microphotograph <<< 写真


pronunciation: gentou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 幻燈
keyword: optics
translation: film slide
幻灯画: gentouga: slide <<<
幻灯機: gentouki: projector <<<
related words: スライド


pronunciation: koukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: wide angle
広角レンズ: koukakurenzu: wide-angle lens
related words: 望遠

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