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Direct access: タイミング , タイム , フラット , モーニング , , , , , ,


pronunciation: taimingu
etymology: timing (eg.)
keyword: time
translation: timing
タイミングが良い: taimingugaii: be timely <<<
タイミングが悪い: taimingugawarui: be untimely <<<
related words: タイム


pronunciation: taimu
etymology: time (eg.), thyme (eg.)
keyword: time , plant
translation: time (n.), break, thyme
タイムを計る: taimuohakaru: time (v.) <<<
タイム・スイッチ: taimusuitchi: time switch, timer <<< スイッチ , タイマー
タイム・カード: taimukaado: time card <<< カード
タイム・レコーダー: taimurekoodaa: time clock, time recorder <<< レコーダー
タイム・マシン: taimumashin: time machine
タイム・カプセル: taimukapuseru: time capsule <<< カプセル
タイム・キーパー: taimukiipaa: timekeeper
タイム・リミット: taimurimitto: time limit
タイム・ラグ: taimuragu: time-lag
タイム・ゾーン: taimuzoon: time zone
synonyms: 時間
related words: タイミング , タイムズ


pronunciation: huratto
etymology: flat (eg.)
keyword: music , time , realty
translation: flat, just
related words: シャープ


pronunciation: mooningu
etymology: morning (eg.)
keyword: clothes , time
translation: morning
モーニング・コート: mooningukooto: morning dress [coat], cutaway (coat) <<< コート
モーニング・コール: mooningukooru: wake-up call <<< コール
モーニング・サービス: mooningusaabisu: special breakfast menu <<< サービス
モーニング・ショー: mooningushoo: morning show <<< ショー

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 3
translation: evening, dusk
夕: yuu
夕: yuube

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 3
translation: at one time, in the past, once
kyuu, ku
久しい: hisashii: long, long-continued, of long standing [duration]
久しい間: hisashiiaida: for a long time [while] <<<
久しく: hisashiku
久: hisashi: pers.

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 4
translation: horse (zod.), seventh, noon
午: uma: horse (zod.) <<<
午: mahiru: midday, noon <<< 真昼
午らう: sakarau: oppose, confront <<<
午わる: majiwaru: cross (v.) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: education , time
Number of strokes: 4
translation: separate, divide, part, distribute, share, minute (ext.), understand, comprehend, see, know, learn, recognize, appreciate
hun, bun, bu
分ける: wakeru: separate (vt.), divide, part, distribute, share
分かれる: wakareru: separate (vi.), divide, part
分かつ: wakatsu: distribute, share
分かる: wakaru: understand, comprehend, see, know, learn, be known, be found, recognize, appreciate <<<
分かり: wakari: understanding, comprehension
分かりません: wakarimasen: I cannot understand [follow]
分かりますか: wakarimasuka: Do you understand?
分かりました: wakarimashita: I see
分かった: wakatta: I know!
分かりの良い: wakarinoii, wakarinoyoi: intelligent, sensible <<<
分かりの悪い: wakarinowarui: dull, dull-witted, fat-witted, unintelligent, stupid <<<
分かり切った: wakarikitta: obvious, manifest, plain, evident, self-evident, indisputable <<<
分かり易い: wakariyasui: easy to understand, simple, plain, intelligible, legible <<<
分かり難い: wakarinikui: hard [difficult] to understand, unintelligible, illegible <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 4
translation: now, nowadays, present, actual, immediate
kon, kin
今: ima
今や: imaya: now, at present, nowadays, of late, lately
今や遅しと: imayaososhito: impatiently <<<
今の: imano: present (a.), actual, existing, of the present day, of today
今の所: imanotokoro: for the present, for the time being <<<
今に: imani: soon, before long, one of these days, sooner or later, some day
今にも: imanimo: at any moment
今直ぐ: imasugu: in a moment [no time], without delay, right away <<<
今まで: imamade: till [until] now, up to the present, by this time, hitherto
今から: imakara: after this, from now on
今でも: imademo: still, even now
今なお: imanao

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , china , economy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: origin, source, beginning, first day of the year, leader, yuan (a Chinese money), Yuan dynasty (a Mongolian dynasty in China, 1271 AD-1368 AD)
gen, kan
元: koube: head (neck)
元: moto: origin, source, beginning, foundation, basis, root, capital, principal (n.), cost price, materials
元の: motono: former, ex, old
元は: motowa: formerly, once, before, originally
元から: motokara: from the beginning [first]
元を掛ける: motookakeru: invest (in), put money (in, into) <<<
元が掛かる: motogakakaru: require much money [a large capital], occasion costs <<<
元も子も無くす: motomokomonakusu: lose both principal and interest, lose all [everything]
元も子も無い: motomokomonai
元を取る: motootoru: recover cost <<<
元を切って売る: motookitteuru: sell below cost
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