Japanese display
Direct access: ロデオ , , , 騎馬 , 子馬 , 乗馬 , 荷馬 , 馬車 , 雌馬 , 騾馬


pronunciation: rodeo
etymology: rodeo (es.)
keyword: horse
translation: rodeo

category: to learn in school
keyword: horse
Number of strokes: 10
translation: horse, steed
ba, me, ma
馬: uma
馬で: umade: by horse
馬で行く: umadeiku: go on horseback, go by horse <<<
馬に乗る: umaninoru: mount [get on] a horse, ride a horse <<< , 乗馬
馬から降りる: umakaraoriru: dismount [get off] a horse <<<
馬から落ちる: umakaraochiru: fall off [be thrown from] one's horse <<<
馬に跨る: umanimatagaru: sit a horse
馬を走らす: umaohashirasu: gallop a horse, spur a horse on <<<
馬を急がせる: umaoisogaseru <<<
馬を止める: umaotomeru: pull up [hold in] a horse, draw rein <<<
馬を馴らす: umaonarasu: train a horse, break (in) a horse <<<
馬が合う: umagaau: get on well (with), hit it off (with) <<<
馬の骨: umanohone: man of doubtful origin <<<
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: horse
Number of strokes: 11
translation: stable, barn
厩: umaya
synonyms: 馬屋


pronunciation: kiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: horse riding
騎馬の: kibano: equestrian
騎馬で: kibade: on horseback
騎馬で行く: kibadeiku: go on horseback <<<
騎馬戦: kibasen: cavalry battle <<<
騎馬巡査: kibajunsa: mounted policeman, mounted police <<< 巡査
騎馬警官: kibakeikan <<< 警官
騎馬民族: kibaminzoku: mounted nomads <<< 民族
騎馬行列: kibagyouretsu: cavalcade <<< 行列
related words: 乗馬


pronunciation: kouma
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 小馬, 仔馬
keyword: horse
translation: colt, foal, pony


pronunciation: jouba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: (horse) riding, horsemanship, riding horse, equestrianism
乗馬の: joubano: equestrian
乗馬する: joubasuru: bestride a horse, mount a [the] horse
乗馬で行く: joubadeiku: go on horseback <<<
乗馬靴: joubagutsu: riding boots <<<
乗馬服: joubahuku: riding suit [habit] <<<
乗馬鞭: joubamuchi: riding crop [whip] <<<
乗馬術: joubajutsu: horsemanship, riding skill <<<
乗馬学校: joubagakkou: riding school [academy] <<< 学校
乗馬ズボン: joubazubon: jodhpurs, riding breeches
乗馬クラブ: joubakurabu: riding club
related words: 馬乗 , 騎馬


pronunciation: niuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: packhorse, cart horse


pronunciation: basha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: carriage, coach
馬車に乗る: bashaninoru: ride in [on] a carriage <<<
馬車で行く: bashadeiku: go by carriage <<<
馬車馬: bashauma: carriage horse, cart horse <<<
馬車代: bashadai: coach fare <<<
幌馬車: horobasha: covered wagon <<<
荷馬車: nibasha: cart <<<
辻馬車: tsujibasha: cab <<<


pronunciation: mesuuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: mare


pronunciation: raba
kanji characters:
other spells: ラバ
keyword: horse
translation: mule

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