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Direct access: シニア , ジュニア , パパ , ファミリー , ママ , , , , ,


pronunciation: shinia
etymology: senior (eg.)
keyword: family
translation: old person, senior
related words: 老人 , ジュニア


pronunciation: junia
etymology: junior (eg.)
keyword: family
translation: youth, young person, junior
ジュニアクラス: juniakurasu: junior class <<< クラス
ジュニアサイズ: juniasaizu: junior size <<< サイズ
related words: 若者 , シニア


pronunciation: papa
etymology: papa (eg.)
keyword: family
translation: papa, pap, dad, daddy
related words: 父親


pronunciation: famirii
etymology: family (eg.)
keyword: family
translation: family
ファミリー・カー: famiriikaa: family car <<< カー
ファミリー・レストラン: famiriiresutoran: family restaurant <<< レストラン
ファミリー・プラン: famiriipuran: family plan <<< プラン
related words: 家族


pronunciation: mama
etymology: mama (eg.)
keyword: family
translation: mama, mama, mom, mommy, mum, mummy
related words: 母親

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 3
translation: child, kid, mouse (zod., bor.), midnight
shi, su
子: ko: child, kid, infant, baby, offspring, boy, son, daughter, girl (suff., jp.)
子が無い: koganai: be childless, have no children [issue], be barren <<<
子を産む: kooumu: bear [give birth to] a child, bring forth the young <<<
子: otoko: boy, son <<<
子: mi: seed <<<
子: ne: mouse (zod.), midnight <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 3
translation: woman, female, lady
jo, nyo, nyu
女: onnna: woman (n.), female, mistress, girl, sweetheart
女: me: woman
女: nanji: thou <<<
女わす: meawasu: marry <<<
女の: onnnano: lady (a.), woman, female
女の子: onnnanoko: (young) girl, daughter, baby girl <<< , 女子
女の人: onnnanohito: a woman, a lady <<< , 婦人
女らしい: onnnarashii: womanly, ladylike, feminine
女らしくない: onnnarashikunai: unwomanly, unladylike
女らしさ: onnnarashisa: womanliness, femininity
女に成る: onnnaninaru: reach womanhood, become a woman <<<
女に弱い: onnnaniyowai: have a weakness for women <<<
女を拵える: onnnaokoshiraeru: have [keep] a mistress <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 4
translation: man, husband, spouse
hu, huu
夫: otto: husband, spouse
夫の有る: ottonoaru: married <<<
夫の無い: ottononai: unmarried <<<
夫: otoko: man (male) <<<
夫: sore: it, that, those, otherwise <<<
夫: kare: this, it <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 4
translation: tribe, lineage, birth, family name
氏: uji
氏より育ち: ujiyorisodachi: Birth is much but breeding is more <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 4
translation: father, papa, dad
hu, ho
父: chichi
父の: chichino: fatherly, fatherlike, paternal
父らしい: chichirashii
父らしさ: chichirashisa: fatherliness
父の日: chichinohi: Father's Day <<<
父さん: tousan: my dad
synonyms: パパ

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