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Direct access: , , 維持 , 薄型 , 液晶 , 回収 , 解読 , 開発 , 科学 , 加速

category: to learn in school
keyword: politics , technology
Number of strokes: 7
translation: modify, change, amend, alter
改める: aratameru: change (vt.), renew, renovate, revise, amend, control (v., jp.), examine, verify, recount
改まる: aratamaru: change (vi.), be renewed, be renovated, be improved, be reformed, be revised, be amended, be formal [ceremonious], stand on ceremony
改った: aratamatta: formal, ceremonious
改って: aratamatte: formally, ceremoniously
改めて: aratamete: anew, newly
改め: aratame: control (n., jp.), verification, inspection
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: technology
Number of strokes: 13
translation: try, test, attempt, essay, trial
試みる: kokoromiru: try (v.), test, attempt
試み: kokoromi: try (n.), test, attempt
試みに: kokoromini: for trial, on trial [probation], tentatively, experimentally
試す: tamesu: try, attempt, make a trial (of), have a try (at), test, put (a thing) to trial [the test], experiment (with), make an experiment (on)
試し: tameshi: trial, test, try, experiment, attempt
試しに: tameshini: by way of experiment [trial], tentatively
synonyms: テスト


pronunciation: iji
keyword: technology
translation: maintenance, preservation, keeping
維持する: ijisuru: maintain, keep (v.), sustain
維持費: ijihi: maintenance cost <<<
維持者: ijisha: protector, supporter <<<
維持会員: ijikaiin: sustaining member <<< 会員
related words: 保守


pronunciation: usugata
keyword: technology
translation: thin model
薄型テレビ: usugataterebi: plasma tv, LCD tv


pronunciation: ekishou
keyword: technology
translation: liquid crystal
液晶テレビ: ekishouterebi: LCD tv set
液晶ディスプレー: ekishoudisupuree: LCD, liquid crystal display
related words: プラズマ


pronunciation: kaishuu
keyword: technology
translation: recovery, withdrawal, collection, retirement, recall, repossession
回収する: kaishuusuru: recover, withdraw, collect, retire, call in
回収不能: kaishuuhunou: irrecoverable, irretrievable <<< 不能
塵の回収: gominokaishuu: garbage collect [collection], withdrawal of garbage <<<


pronunciation: kaidoku
keyword: technology , history
translation: decoding, deciphering
解読する: kaidokusuru: decode, decipher
解読器: kaidokuki: decoder (machine) <<<
解読者: kaidokusha: decipherer (person) <<<


pronunciation: kaihatsu
keyword: technology
translation: development, exploitation
開発する: kaihatsusuru: develop, exploit
開発者: kaihatsusha: developer <<<
開発費: kaihatsuhi: development cost <<<
開発援助: kaihatsuenjo: development aid [assistance] <<< 援助
開発銀行: kaihatsuginkou: development bank <<< 銀行
開発途上国: kaihatsutojoukoku: developing country
核開発: kakukaihatsu: nuclear development <<<
乱開発: rankaihatsu: uncontrolled development <<<
related words: 開拓


pronunciation: kagaku
keyword: science , technology
translation: science
科学的: kagakuteki: scientific <<<
非科学的: hikagakuteki: unscientific <<<
科学者: kagakusha: scientist <<<
科学書: kagakusho: scientific book <<<
科学時代: kagakujidai: science age <<< 時代
科学小説: kagakushousetsu: science fiction <<< 小説
科学映画: kagakueiga: science film <<< 映画
科学知識: kagakuchishiki: scientific knowledge <<< 知識
科学万能: kagakubannnou: almighty science <<< 万能
科学技術: kagakugijutsu: science and technology <<< 技術
科学技術庁: kagakugijutsuchou: Science and Technology Agency (1956-2001 in Japan) <<<
科学教育: kagakukyouiku: scientific education <<< 教育
科学博物館: kagakuhakubutsukan: science museum
related words: 化学


pronunciation: kasoku
keyword: transport , technology
translation: acceleration
加速する: kasokusuru: accelerate, speed up
加速度: kasokudo: acceleration <<<
加速度の: kasokudono: accelerative, accelerating
加速的: kasokuteki <<<
加速的に: kasokutekini: with increasing speed
加速器: kasokuki: accelerator <<<
加速装置: kasokusouchi <<< 装置
related words: 減速

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