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Direct access: , , , , , 圧力 , 引力 , 運動 , 液化 , 液体

category: to learn in school
keyword: physics , construction
Number of strokes: 8
translation: hard, solid, robust, stubborn, solidify
固い: katai: hard, solid, robust <<< ,
固める: katameru: solidify (vt.)
固まる: katamaru: solidify (vi.)
固より: motoyori: originally, from the first
固しい: iyashii: low, ignoble <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 11
translation: juice, soup
eki, seki
液: eki: juice, sap, liquid
液を絞る: ekioshiboru: squeeze juice <<<
液: shiru: juice, soup <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 15
translation: hot, warm, heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
netsu, nechi
熱: netsu: heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
熱い: atsui: hot, warm, heated, burning
熱を加える: netsuokuwaeru: heat (a thing), apply a heat (to) <<<
熱が上がる: netsugaagaru: One's fever soars [goes up] <<<
熱が下がる: netsugasagaru: One's fever falls [goes down] <<<
熱が取れる: netsugatoreru: One's fever leaves one <<<
熱が有る: netsugaaru: be feverish, have a temperature <<<
熱が出る: netsugaderu: become feverish, run a temperature <<<
熱が高い: netsugatakai: have a high fever <<<
熱を上げる: netsuoageru: have a craze for, be gone on <<<
熱を下げる: netsuosageru: bring down the fever <<<
熱を取る: netsuotoru: shake off one's fever <<<
熱を計る: netsuohakaru: take a person's temperature <<<
熱の有る: netsunoaru: earnest, enthusiastic <<<
熱の無い: netsunonai: indifferent <<<
熱: hotobori: (remaining) heat [warmth], excitement, sensation
熱が冷める: hotoborigasameru: The sensation is over <<<
synonyms: , ホット
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 10
translation: stone, pit, nucleus
核: kaku: kernel, core, nucleus, stone, pit
核の: kakuno: nuclear
核の傘: kakunokasa: nuclear umbrella <<<
核: tane: stone, pit <<<
核: sane

category: common usage
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 14
translation: magnet, magnetism, crockery, pottery
磁: setomono: crockery, pottery


pronunciation: atsuryoku
keyword: physics
translation: pressure, stress
圧力を加える: atsuryokuokuwaeru: press (v.), squeeze <<<
圧力釜: atsuryokugama: pressure cooker <<<
圧力計: atsuryokukei: pressure gauge, manometer <<<
圧力団体: atsuryokudantai: pressure group, lobby <<< 団体
圧力試験: atsuryokushiken: pressure test <<< 試験
related words: 圧迫


pronunciation: inryoku
keyword: astronomy , physics
translation: gravitation, gravity, attraction
引力圏: inryokuken: sphere of gravitation <<<
related words: 重力


pronunciation: undou
keyword: sport , physics
translation: movement, sport, sporting, exercise (n.), campaign (v.), canvassing, lobbying
運動する: undousuru: move, exercise (v.), campaign (v.), canvass, lobby
運動会: undoukai: (school's) sports game [gala] <<<
運動靴: undougutsu: sneakers, trainers, sports shoes <<<
運動服: undouhuku: sports clothes, sports-wear <<<
運動場: undoujou: playground, athletic field <<<
運動家: undouka: athletic, sportsman, activist <<<
運動具: undougu: sports goods <<<
運動具店: undouguten: sports store <<<
運動量: undouryou: momentum <<<
運動員: undouin: campaigner, canvasser <<<
運動不足: undoubusoku: lack of exercise <<< 不足
運動神経: undoushinkei: motor nerve <<< 神経
運動麻痺: undoumahi: motor paralysis <<< 麻痺
運動競技: undoukyougi: athletic sports <<< 競技
運動エネルギー: undouenerugii: kinetic energy
related words: スポーツ , キャンペーン


pronunciation: ekika
keyword: physics
translation: liquefaction
液化する: ekikasuru: liquefy, be liquefied
液化ガス: ekikasuru: liquefied (natural) gas, LNG


pronunciation: ekitai
keyword: physics
translation: liquid (n.), fluid (n.)
液体の: ekitaino: liquid (a.), fluid (a.)
液体にする: ekitainisuru: liquefy (vt.)
液体に成る: ekitaininaru: liquefy (vi.) <<<
液体化: ekitaika: liquefaction <<<
液体燃料: ekitainenryou: liquid fuel <<< 燃料
液体空気: ekitaikuuki: liquid air <<< 空気
液体水素: ekitaisuiso: liquid hydrogen <<< 水素
液体酸素: ekitaisanso: liquid oxygen <<< 酸素
液体窒素: ekitaichisso: liquid nitrogen <<< 窒素
液体ヘリウム: ekitaiheriumu: liquid helium
液体アンモニア: ekitaianmonia: liquid ammonia
related words: 固体 , 気体

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