ページ番号: 1 , 2
直接アクセス: , , , , , , 思想 , 主体 , 真理 , 事大

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 8
忠: まごころ: sincerity <<< 真心
忠: じょう: tit. (jp.)

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 9
翻訳:thought, idea, feeling, mind, think, consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe

思う: おもう: think (of, about), consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be convinced (of, that), feel, regard [look upon] (as), expect, hope, take [mistake] A for B, wish, desire, be going to (do), be thinking of (doing), intend (to do), wonder, suspect
思い: おもい: thought, idea, feeling, mind, heart, affection, love, intention, will, wish, desire, expectation
思いに耽る: おもいにふける: be lost [buried] in thought <<<
思いを凝らす: おもいをこらす: think hard (about), ponder (on, over) <<<
思いを遂げる: おもいをとげる: satisfy one's desire <<<
思いを寄せる: おもいをよせる: take a fancy to, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い上がる: おもいあがる: become conceited, be puffed up (with), have swelled head <<<
思い当たる: おもいあたる: occur to (one, one's mind), flash on (one), call (a matter) to mind, recall, realize <<<
思い余る: おもいあまる: be at a loss, find oneself, unable to make up one's mind (about) <<<
思い合わせる: おもいあわせる: consider [put] together, think of (this and that) <<<
思い浮かぶ: おもいうかぶ: occur [come] to one's mind, pass through one's mind <<<
思い掛けない: おもいがけない: unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for <<<
思い焦がれる: おもいこがれる: pine [languish] (for), burn with love (for), yearn for [after] <<<
思い込む: おもいこむ: be possessed with, be convinced that, be under the impression that, set one's heart upon, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い知る: おもいしる: realize, come to know, become aware of, repent of, learn a lesson <<<
思い出す: おもいだす: recollect, recall, bring [call] (a matter) to mind, remember <<<
思い立つ: おもいたつ: plan (to do), think of (doing), take (a matter) into one's head, make up one's mind (to do) <<< , 決心
思い詰める: おもいつめる: take (a matter) to heart, brood over, eat one's heart out <<<
思い巡らす: おもいめぐらす: reflect (upon), , think [ponder] (over) <<<
思い煩う: おもいわずらう: feel very anxious about, worry (oneself) about <<<
思い悩む: おもいなやむ <<<
思う壺に嵌まる: おもうつぼにはまる: (Things) turn out just as one wants, play into a person's hands

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 11
翻訳:govern, correct, logic, ethic

理: り: reason, truth, principle
理に適う: りにかなう: be reasonable, stand to reason <<<
理に適わない: りにかなわない: be unreasonable, be contrary to reason <<<
理める: おさめる: govern, manage <<<
理す: ただす: correct, amend <<<
理: みち: moral code, ethic <<<
理: すじ: reason, logic <<<
理: ことわり
理: きめ: grain, texture

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 13
翻訳:justice, righteousness, faithfulness, duty, honor, humanity

義に厚い: ぎにあつい: be faithful <<<
義い: よい: just, righteous, faithful

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 15
翻訳:explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, illustrate, advise, persuade, preach, teach, criticize
ロン, リン
論じる: ろんじる: discuss, argue, comment (on), treat of
論を待たない: ろんをまたない: be beyond question <<<
論く: とく: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, illustrate, advise (a person to do), persuade (a person to do, a person into doing), urge (a person to do), preach, teach <<<
論う: あげつらう: find fault with, criticize

キーワード: 哲学
画数: 16
翻訳:scholar, Confucianism


発音: しそう
キーワード: 政治 , 哲学
翻訳:thought, thinking, idea, ideology
思想家: しそうか: philosopher, thinker <<<
思想犯: しそうはん: political offender <<<
思想界: しそうかい: realm of thought <<<
思想力: しそうりょく: contemplative faculty <<<
思想問題: しそうもんだい: thought problem <<< 問題
思想運動: しそううんどう: thought movement <<< 運動
思想統制: しそうとうせい: thought control
旧思想: きゅうしそう: old thought, archaic conception <<<
関連語: イデオロギー


発音: しゅたい
キーワード: 哲学
翻訳:subject, core
を主体している: をしゅたいとしている: be mainly composed of, have as the main constituents
主体的: しゅたいてき: subjective, independent <<<
主体性: しゅたいせい: subjectivity, independence <<<
関連語: 主題


発音: しんり
キーワード: 哲学
真理を求める: しんりをもとめる: seek (after) truth <<<
真理を探究する: しんりをたんきゅうする
真理の探究: しんりのたんきゅう: pursuit of truth
真理の追究: しんりのついきゅう


発音: じだい
キーワード: 哲学
翻訳:worship of the powerful
事大主義: じだいしゅぎ: flunkyism, toadyism <<< 主義
事大主義者: じだいしゅぎしゃ: flunky, toady, timeserver <<<

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