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Direct access: 風疹 , 腹痛 , 不能 , 分裂 , 便秘 , 疱疹 , 疱瘡 , 麻痺 , 蔓延 , 万病


pronunciation: huushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: rubella, German measles


pronunciation: hukutsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: stomachache, bellyache, colic
腹痛がする: hukutsuugasuru: have a stomachache
related words: 胃痛


pronunciation: hunou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: impossibility, impotence
不能の: hunouno: impossible, impotent
related words: 無能 , インポ


pronunciation: bunretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , disease
translation: division, split (n.), fission, schism
分裂する: bunretsusuru: divide, split (v.)
分裂症: bunretsushou: schizophrenia <<<
分裂症の: bunretsushouno: schizophrenic (a.)
分裂症患者: bunretsushoukanja: schizophrenic (n.) <<< 患者
分裂菌: bunretsukin: fission fungus <<<
分裂生殖: bunretsuseishoku: schizogenesis <<< 生殖
核分裂: kakubunretsu: nuclear fission <<<
antonyms: 融合


pronunciation: benpi
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: disease
translation: constipation
便秘の: benpino: constipated
便秘する: benpisuru: be constipated, suffer from constipation
便秘している: benpishiteiru
antonyms: 下痢


pronunciation: houshin
kanji characters:
keyword: disease
translation: herpes
疱疹の: houshinnno: herpetic
疱疹ウィルス: hoshinnwirusu: herpesvirus
related words: 湿疹 , ヘルペス


pronunciation: housou
keyword: disease
translation: smallpox
疱瘡に罹る: housounikakaru: have smallpox <<<
水疱瘡: mizubousou: water pox, chicken pox <<<


pronunciation: mahi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: paralysis, palsy, numbness, anesthesia
麻痺する: mahisuru: be paralyzed [benumbed], become numb (with)
麻痺した: mahishita: paralyzed, benumbed
麻痺させる: mahisaseru: paralyze, benumb
antonyms: 中気


pronunciation: mannen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: spread (n.)
蔓延する: mannensuru: spread (v.), become prevalent


pronunciation: manbyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: all kind of diseases
万病薬: manbyouyaku: cure-all, panacea <<<

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