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Direct access: 光熱 , 火燵 , 戸別 , 焜炉 , 豪邸 , 芥箱 , 在住 , 在宅 , 座敷 , 敷居


pronunciation: kounetsu
keyword: house
translation: light and heat
光熱費: kounetsuhi: light and fuel expenses <<<


pronunciation: kotatsu
other spells: 炬燵, コタツ
keyword: house
translation: foot warmer with a quilt over it, kotatsu
火燵に当たる: kotatsuniataru: warm oneself at a kotatsu <<<


pronunciation: kobetsu
keyword: house
translation: each house
戸別に: kobetsuni: house to house, door to door, at each house
戸別割: kobetsuwari: house-rate <<<
戸別調査: kobetsuchousa: house-to-house investigation <<< 調査
戸別販売: kobetsuhanbai: door-to-door selling <<< 販売
戸別訪問: kobetsuhoumon: house-to-house visit, door-to-door campaign <<< 訪問


pronunciation: konro
other spells: コンロ
keyword: house
translation: portable cooking stove
related words: ストーブ


pronunciation: goutei
keyword: house
translation: fine house


pronunciation: gomibako
other spells: ゴミ箱, 塵箱
keyword: house
translation: trash can, dustbin
related words: 芥袋


pronunciation: zaijuu
keyword: house
translation: dwelling, residence
在住する: zaijuusuru: live, reside (at, in)
在住者: zaijuusha: dweller, resident, inhabitant <<<
synonyms: 居住 , 在留


pronunciation: zaitaku
keyword: house
translation: being at home
在宅の: zaitakuno: at home
在宅する: zaitakusuru: be at home
在宅日: zaitakubi: one's at-home day <<<
在宅勤務: zaitakukinmu: telework, teleworking <<< 勤務


pronunciation: zashiki
keyword: house
translation: (Japanese style) room, drawing room, parlor
座敷に通す: zashikinitoosu: show a person into the parlor <<<
座敷牢: zashikirou: room of confinement


pronunciation: shikii
keyword: house
translation: threshold, doorsill
敷居を跨ぐ: shikiiomatagu: cross the threshold, enter a house
敷居が高い: shikiigatakai: difficult to cross the threshold [enter a house] <<<

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