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Direct access: 断食 , 昼食 , 朝食 , 調味 , 調理 , 貯蔵 , 定食 , 天火 , 澱粉 , 苦味


pronunciation: danjiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , religion
translation: fast (n.), fasting
断食する: danjikisuru: fast (v.), observe a fast
断食を止める: danjikioyameru: break one's fast <<<
断食月: danjikigetsu: fast month, Ramadan <<< , ラマダン
断食日: danjikibi: fast day <<<
断食療法: danjikiryouhou: fast cure <<< 療法
断食スト: danjikisuto: hunger strike


pronunciation: chuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: lunch, luncheon, midday meal
昼食を取る: chuushokuotoru: have [take] lunch <<<
昼食会: chuushokukai: luncheon <<<
昼食時: chuushokuji: lunchtime <<<
昼食時間: chuushokujikan <<< 時間
synonyms: 昼飯 , ランチ
related words: 朝食 , 夕食


pronunciation: choushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: breakfast
朝食を取る: choushokuotoru: have breakfast, take breakfast <<<
synonyms: 朝飯
related words: 昼食 , 夕食


pronunciation: choumi
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: food
translation: seasoning, flavoring, flavor (n.)
調味する: choumisuru: season (v.), flavor (v.)
調味料: choumiryou: seasoning, condiments <<<


pronunciation: chouri
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: food
translation: cooking
調理する: chourisuru: cook (v.)
調理法: chourihou: formula, recipe <<< , レシピ
調理台: chouridai: counter, kitchen table <<<
調理師: chourishi: cook (n.) <<< , コック
調理人: chourinin <<<
調理教室: chourikyoushitsu: cockery [cooking] course, cooking class <<< 教室
synonyms: 料理


pronunciation: chozou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: preservation, storing, storage
貯蔵する: chozousuru: preserve, store (up), lay up
貯蔵庫: chozouko: storehouse, storeroom <<< , 倉庫
貯蔵室: chozoushitsu <<<
貯蔵品: chozouhin: stores, stocks <<<
貯蔵瓶: chozoubin: bottling jar, preserving jar <<< , 瓶詰
貯蔵野菜: chozouyasai: preserved vegetable <<< 野菜
貯蔵果物: chozoukudamono: preserved fruit <<< 果物
貯蔵タンク: chozoutanku: storage tank
related words: ストック


pronunciation: teishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: regular meal, set menu, plat du jour
related words: メニュー


pronunciation: tenpi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: oven
天火で焼く: tenpideyaku: bake in an oven <<<
related words: オーブン


pronunciation: denpun
kanji characters:
keyword: biology , food
translation: starch, dextrin
澱粉質の: denpunshitsuno: starchy, farinaceous <<<
澱粉糖: denpuntou: glucose, starch sugar <<<
related words: 炭水化物 , 蛋白 , 脂肪


pronunciation: nigami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: bitterness, bitter taste
苦味の有る: nigaminoaru: bitter <<<
苦味の利いた: nigaminokiita <<<

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