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Direct access: 港内 , 航路 , 桟橋 , 座礁 , 出港 , 巡洋艦 , 上陸 , 水路 , 船員 , 戦艦


pronunciation: kounai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: docks, harbour installations, port facilities
港内で: kounaide: inside the harbor, in the port
港内設備: kounaisetsubi: harbour facilities [installations] <<< 設備


pronunciation: kouro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , airplane
translation: (sea) route, course, passage
航路から外れる: kourokarahazureru: sheer away, yaw <<<
航路を変える: kourookaeru: change course, shift the helm <<<
航路標識: kourohyoushiki: beacon <<< 標識
航路浮標: kourohuhyou: fairway buoy
related words: 経路 , ルート


pronunciation: sanbashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: pier, jetty, quay, dock
桟橋に横付けに成る: sanbashiyokoZukeninaru: come alongside the pier
桟橋使用料: sanbashishiyouryou: wharfage
浮き桟橋: ukisanbashi: landing stage <<<


pronunciation: zashou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: state of being aground, running aground, beaching
座礁する: zashousuru: strand, run aground
座礁している: zashoushiteiru: be aground


pronunciation: shukkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: departure (of a ship from a port)
出港する: shukkousuru: leave port, sail, clear a port
出港手続: shukkoutetsuZuki: clearance formalities <<< 手続
出港手続をする: shukkoutetsuZukiosuru: clear a ship (at the customs house)
出港停止: shukkouteishi: embargo <<< 停止
出港停止を解く: shukkouteishiotoku: take off an embargo <<<
出港許可証: shukkoukyokashou: clearance permit
出港手数料: shukkoutesuuryou: clearance fee
related words: 船出


pronunciation: junnyoukan
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: ship , war
translation: cruiser
軽巡洋艦: keijunnyoukan: light cruiser <<<
重巡洋艦: juujunnyoukan: heavy cruiser <<<


pronunciation: jouriku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: landing, disembarkation
上陸する: jourikusuru: land (v), make land, disembark
上陸地: jourikuchi: landing place [site, spot] <<<
上陸軍: jourikugun: landing force <<<
上陸日: jourikubi: day of liberty <<<
上陸中: jourikuchuu: be ashore <<<
上陸許可: jourikukyoka: shore leave <<< 許可
上陸禁止: jourikukinshi: stoppage of leave <<< 禁止
上陸訓練: jourikukunren: landing drill <<< 訓練
上陸部隊: jourikubutai: landing troops <<< 部隊
上陸作戦: jourikusakusen: landing operation <<< 作戦


pronunciation: suiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: waterway, watercourse, channel
水路で: suirode: by sea [water], by ship [boat]
水路図: suirozu: hydrographic map <<<
水路標: suirohyou: beacon <<<
水路標識: suirohyoushiki <<< 標識
水路測量: suirosokuryou: hydrography <<< 測量


pronunciation: sennin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: crew, ship's company, crewman, seaman, sailor
船員名簿: senninmeibo: muster roll
related words: セーラー


pronunciation: senkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , ship
translation: battleship
戦艦大和: senkannyamato: Battleship Yamato <<< 大和

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