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Direct access: 鑑識 , 鑑賞 , 鑑定 , 画家 , 額縁 , 画像 , 画廊 , 巨匠 , 器用 , 空間


pronunciation: kanshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , art
translation: judgment, discernment, appreciation
鑑識する: kanshikisuru: judge, discern, discriminate, appreciate
鑑識課: kanshikika: identification section <<<
鑑識家: kanshikika: judge, connoisseur <<<
related words: 鑑賞 , 鑑定


pronunciation: kanshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: appreciation
鑑賞する: kanshousuru: appreciate
鑑賞的: kanshouteki: appreciative <<<
鑑賞家: kanshouka: appreciator <<<
related words: 観賞


pronunciation: kantei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: appraisal, estimation, legal consultation, expert opinion
鑑定する: kanteisuru: appraise, estimate, give an expert opinion
鑑定人: kanteinin: appraiser, connoisseur <<<
鑑定家: kanteika <<<
鑑定料: kanteiryou: fee for expert opinion [legal advice] <<<
鑑定書: kanteisho: written opinion <<<
鑑定価格: kanteikakaku: appraised value <<< 価格
related words: 鑑識


pronunciation: gaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: painter, artist


pronunciation: gakubuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: picture frame
額縁に入れる: gakubuchiniireru: frame (v.), enframe <<<
額縁屋: gakubuchiya: picture framer <<<


pronunciation: gazou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , computer
translation: portrait, picture, image, imagery
画像処理: gazoushori: image processing <<< 処理
related words: 映像


pronunciation: garou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: art [picture] gallery
画廊主: garounushi: gallery owner <<<
related words: ギャラリー


pronunciation: kyoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: great master, virtuoso
synonyms: マエストロ


pronunciation: kiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: ingenuity, dexterity, skill
器用な: kiyouna: ingenious, dexterous, skillful
器用に: kiyouni: ingeniously, dexterously, skillfully
器用貧乏: kiyoubinbou: a Jack of all trades and a master of none <<< 貧乏
不器用: bukiyou: clumsiness, unskillfulness, bungle <<<
不器用な: bukiyouna: awkward, clumsy, unskillful
不器用に: bukiyouni: awkwardly, clumsily, unskillfully
synonyms: 上手


pronunciation: kuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: space, room
空間の: kuukannno: spatial
空間的: kuukanteki <<<
空間を置く: kuukannooku: interspace, distance (v.), space out <<<
空間性: kuukansei: spatiality <<<
空間芸術: kuukangeijutsu: space art <<< 芸術
空間感覚: kuukankankaku: space feeling <<< 感覚
related words: スペース

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