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Direct access: 客間 , 居住 , 近所 , 草葺 , 下宿 , 下女 , 下水 , 下男 , 玄関 , 公団


pronunciation: kyakuma
keyword: house
translation: reception room, drawing room, guest room, lounge
related words: サロン


pronunciation: kyojuu
keyword: house
translation: dwelling, residence
居住する: kyojuusuru: live, dwell, reside
居住者: kyojuusha: dweller, resident, inhabitant, tenant <<<
居住性: kyujuusei: habitability <<<
居住性が良い: kyojuuseigaii: have a lot of amenities <<<
居住性が優れた: kyojuuseigasugureta: comfortable <<<
居住地: kyojuuchi: place of residence <<<
居住権: kyojuuken: right of residence <<<
居住証明書: kyojuushoumeisho: certificate of residence
related words: 住居


pronunciation: kinjo
keyword: house
translation: neighborhood, vicinity
近所の: kinjono: neighboring, adjacent, nearby
近所に: kinjoni: in the neighborhood, near [close] by
近所の好で: kinjonoyoshimide: for the sake of neighborliness <<<
近所の人々: kinjonohitobito: neighbors <<<
近所付合い: kinjoZukiai: neighborly terms <<< 付合
近所付合いをする: kinjoZukiaiosuru: get on well with one's neighbors
近所付合いの良い: kinjoZukiainoii: neighborly <<<
近所付合いの悪い: kinjoZukiainowarui: unneighborly <<<
近所迷惑: kinjomeiwaku: nuisance to neighbors <<< 迷惑
近所迷惑に成る: kinjomeiwakuninaru: disturb neighbors <<<
synonyms: 付近


pronunciation: kusabuki
keyword: house
translation: thatched (roof)
草葺の: kusabukino: thatched, straw-thatched
草葺屋根: kusabukiyane: thatched [straw-thatched] roof <<< 屋根
草葺小屋: kusabukigoya: thatched [straw-thatched] hut <<< 小屋


pronunciation: geshuku
keyword: house
translation: lodging, boarding, pension
下宿する: geshukusuru: lodge (v.)
下宿人: geshukunin: lodger <<<
下宿屋: geshukuya: lodging (boarding, rooming) house, pension <<<
下宿料: geshukuryou: charge for lodging <<<


pronunciation: gejo
keyword: house
translation: maidservant (anc.), housemaid
related words: 下男


pronunciation: gesui
keyword: town , house
translation: sewer (system), drain, sewerage, sewage, drainage
下水が支えた: gesuigatsukaeta: The drain is stopped up <<<
下水溜め: gesuidame: sink, cesspool <<<
下水口: gesuikou: sinkhole <<<
下水孔: gesuikou <<<
下水管: gesuikan: drainpipe, drains <<<
下水道: gesuidou: sewer <<<
下水工事: gesuikouji: sewerage (works) <<< 工事
下水処理場: gesuishorijou: sewage works [plant]
related words: 排水 , 水道


pronunciation: genan
keyword: job , house
translation: male servant, manservant
synonyms: 雇人
antonyms: 女中 , 下女


pronunciation: genkan
keyword: house
translation: front door, entrance room
玄関番: genkanban: doorkeeper, porter <<<
related words: 入口


pronunciation: koudan
keyword: house , politics
translation: public corporation
公団住宅: koudanjuutaku: Housing Corporation apartment house <<< 住宅

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