ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
直接アクセス: , , , , , , , , , 西

キーワード: 位置
画数: 4
翻訳:middle, medium, center, interior, hit
中: なか: middle, medium, average, center, inside, interior
中たる: あたる: hit, strike <<<
中に: なかに: in, into, within
中へ: なかへ: into
中に入る: なかにはいる: enter <<<
中から: なかから: out, forth
中を通って: なかをとおって: through, across <<<
中を取る: なかをとる: take the mean, strike a mean, find the happy medium <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 4
翻訳:interior, inside, in
ナイ, ダイ, ドウ, ノウ
内: うち
内から: うちから: from within
内に: うちに: within, inside, indoors
内に居る: うちにいる: stay indoors, be in, be at home, stay at home <<<
内に居ない: うちにいない: be out, be away from home <<<
内に入る: うちにはいる: enter the house <<<
内の者: うちのもの: one's family, one's folks <<<
内の人: うちのひと: my husband <<<
内の事: うちのこと: household matters [duties] <<<
内れる: いれる: let in, put in <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:revolt, betray, north (ext.)
ホク, ハイ
北: きた: north, Septentrion
北の: きたの: northern, northerly, nordic, Septentrional
北へ: きたへ: northward
北に: きたに: in [to, on] the north (of)
北く: そむく: revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
北げる: にげる: run away, flee, take to flight, escape, break [get] loose <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:help, right (bor.)
ウ, ユウ
右ける: たすける: help (v.) <<<
右: みぎ: right (n.)
右の: みぎの: right (a.), rightist, conservative
右の手: みぎのて: one's right hand <<<
右に: みぎに: to the right
右に曲がる: みぎにまがる: turn to the right <<<
右を向く: みぎをむく <<<
右に傾く: みぎにかたむく: turn to the right, become [turn] rightist <<<
右に出る: みぎにでる: surpass [excel, outdo] others (in) <<<
右に倣え: みぎにならえ: Right dress <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:left, help

左: ひだり: left (n.)
左ける: たすける: help (left hand helps right hand) <<<
左: しも: low (right superior to left) <<<
左る: もとる: betray <<<
左の: ひだりの: left (a.), leftist, radical, communist
左の手: ひだりのて: one's left hand <<<
左に: ひだりに: to the left
左に曲がる: ひだりにまがる: turn to the left <<<
左を向く: ひだりをむく <<<
左に傾く: ひだりにかたむく: become [turn] leftist [red] <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:center, middle, half
オウ, ヨウ
央ば: なかば: half, middle, midst, partly, in part <<<

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:half, part
半: はん: uneven [odd] number (jp.) <<< 奇数
半ば: なかば: middle

キーワード: 位置
画数: 5
翻訳:out, outside, other, exclude
ガイ, ゲ, ウイ
外: ほか: other <<<
外: そと: out, outside, foreign
外で: そとで: out of doors, outdoors, in the open (air), outside, on the outside (of), without
外で遊ぶ: そとであそぶ: play outdoors [in the open] <<<
外で待つ: そとでまつ: wait without, wait outside <<<
外で食べる: そとでたべる: dine [eat] out <<<
外へ: そとへ: outward
外へ出す: そとへだす: take [bring] out <<<
外へ出る: そとへでる: go [step] out, go outside the house <<<
外から: そとから: from the outside, from without
外の: そとの: outdoor, out-of-door, open-air, outer, outside, external, exterior
外: よそ: another place, elsewhere else <<< 他所
外す: はずす: exclude, take off, undo, unfasten, detach, lose, slip, miss, avoid, evade, slip away
外れる: はずれる: lose, miss, fail, go wrong, be disconnected, get out of place, be detached, come [go] off, slip out

キーワード: 位置 , 建築
画数: 5
翻訳:stand, rise, erect, build
リツ, リュウ
立つ: たつ: stand up, rise (to one's feet), stand, erect, be built [established, founded], start, depart, set off [out], evaporate, rise up, go up
立てる: たてる: stand, put [set] up, hoist, plant, turn up, build, construct, erect, establish, found, organize, form [make] (a plan), frame, lay down, map out, advance, regard, respect, rise in the world, establish oneself
立て掛ける, 立て懸ける: たてかける: put [rest, lean] (a thing) against
立て籠もる: たてこもる: hold (a position), shut oneself up <<<
立て込む: たてこむ: be pressed with business, be busy (with), be crowded [packed] (with) <<<
立て続けに: たてつづけに: in succession, on end <<<
立ち止まる: たちどまる: (come to a) pause [stop], halt, stand still <<<
立ち塞がる: たちふさがる: block [bar, stand in] one's way (to), stand in front of (a person), confront <<<
立ち回る: たちまわる: move about, act, maneuver <<<
立ち戻る: たちもどる: come [go] back (from), return, retrace one's steps <<<
立ち向かう: たちむかう: fight against, confront (one's adversary), face (the enemy, oppose (a person) <<<
立ち上がる: たちあがる: rise, go up, ascend <<<
立ち退く: たちのく: quit, leave, remove, vacate, evacuate <<< 退
立ち後れる: たちおくれる: be handicapped at the start, lag (behind), miss the good time to stand <<<
立ち去る: たちさる: quit, leave, go away (from), depart (from) <<<
立ち竦む: たちすくむ: be petrified [paralyzed, unable to move] with fear), be transfixed on the spot, stand shuddering <<<
立ち寄る: たちよる: call (on a person, at a house), drop [look] in (on a person, at a house), step by [in], visit, stop, touch at <<<
立ち行く: たちゆく, たちいく: can get along, can be kept up <<<
立ち会う: たちあう: attend [be present] at, be a witness to [of] <<<
立ち返る: たちかえる: come back, return <<<
立ち働く: たちはたらく: go about one's work <<<
立ち直る: たちなおる: regain one's footing, recover (oneself), rally, improve <<<


キーワード: 位置
画数: 6
翻訳:west, Occident, Spain (pref.)
セイ, サイ
西: にし: west (n.), Occident
西の: にしの: west (a.), western, occidental
西の方に: にしのほうに: toward the west <<<
西に: にしに: in [to, on] the west
西に行く: にしにいく: go west [westward] <<<
同意語: スペイン

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