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Direct access: 資格 , 試験 , 師匠 , 施設 , 質問 , 師弟 , 指導 , 指南 , 修業 , 修士


pronunciation: shikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , sport
translation: qualification, competency, capacity
資格が有る: shikakugaaru: be qualified, competent, eligible <<<
資格が無い: shikakuganai: be unqualified, incompetent <<<
資格を得る: shikakuoeru: obtain qualification <<<
資格を失う: shikakuoushinau: be disqualified <<<
資格を与える: shikakuoataeru: qualify, entitle <<<
資格を奪う: shikakuoubau: disqualify <<<
資格審査: shikakushinsa: examination of qualification <<< 審査
資格喪失: shikakusoushitsu: disqualification <<< 喪失
資格証明: shikakushoumei: qualification certificate <<< 証明


pronunciation: shiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , technology
translation: examination, test (n.), experiment (n.), trial
試験する: shikensuru: examine, test (v.), experiment (v.), try
試験を行う: shikennookonau <<<
試験を受ける: shikennoukeru: take [sit for, go in for] an examination <<<
試験に受かる: shikennniukaru: pass an examination
試験に落ちる: shikennniochiru: fail in an examination <<<
試験的に: shikentekini: experimentally, tentatively <<<
試験管: shikenkan: test tube <<<
試験管ペビー: shikenkanbebii: test-tube baby
試験紙: shikenshi: test paper <<<
試験台: shikendai: test-bed <<<
試験官: shikenkan: examiner <<<
試験場: shikenjou: examination room [hall] <<<
試験問題: shikenmondai: question (for examination) <<< 問題
試験科目: shikenkamoku: subject for examination <<< 科目
試験飛行: shikenhikou: test flight <<< 飛行
related words: 受験 , テスト


pronunciation: shishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , sport
translation: master, instructor, teacher


pronunciation: shisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry , education
translation: institution, establishment, facility, installation
施設する: shisetsusuru: establish, install, build
related words: 設備


pronunciation: shitsumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: question (n.), inquiry
質問する: shitsumonsuru: question (v.), query
質問を受ける: shitsumonnoukeru: be asked, be questioned <<<
質問に答える: shitsumonnnikotaeru: answer a question, give an answer to a question <<<
質問書: shitsumonsho: questionnaire <<<
質問者: shitsumonsha: questioner, interrogator <<<
質問戦: shitsumonsen: interpellation war <<<


pronunciation: shitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: teacher [master] and pupil [student]
師弟の関係: shiteinokankei: relationship between master and pupil <<< 関係


pronunciation: shidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: guidance, leadership, leading
指導する: shidousuru: direct, lead, coach (v.), guide (v.)
指導者: shidousha: leader, coach (n.), guide (n.), captain <<<
指導員: shidouin: instructor, coach <<<
指導力: shidouryoku: leadership ability <<<
指導原理: shidougenri: guiding principle <<< 原理
指導方針: shidouhoushin <<< 方針
related words: リード , リーダー


pronunciation: shinan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: teaching, instruction
指南する: shinansuru: teach, instruct, give lessons (in)


pronunciation: shuugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: study (n.), learning
修業する: shuugyousuru: study (v.), pursue one's studies, get one's education, complete a course of study
修業期間: shuugyoukikan: school years <<< 期間
修業証書: shuugyoushousho: certificate of a completion of the study course <<< 証書


pronunciation: shuushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: master
修士号: shuushigou: master's degree <<<
修士課程: shuushikatei: master's course <<< 課程
修士論文: shuushironbun: master's thesis <<< 論文
related words: 学士 , 博士

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