Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 絵描 , 絵具 , 円熟 , 鉛筆 , 大柄 , 大家 , 絵画 , 掛軸 , 掛物 , 感覚


pronunciation: ekaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: painter, artist


pronunciation: enogu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 絵の具
keyword: art
translation: paints, colors, pigments, oils
絵具を塗る: enoguonuru: color (v.), paint <<<
絵具皿: enoguzara: palette <<<
絵具板: enoguita <<<
絵具箱: enogubako: color [paint] box <<<
絵具筆: enoguhude: paint-brush <<<
絵具刷毛: enogubake <<< 刷毛


pronunciation: enjuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: maturity, perfection
円熟する: enjukusuru: mature (v.), mellow
円熟した: enjukushita: ripe, mature (a.), mellow (character)
円熟した作家: enjukushitasakka: mature writer <<< 作家


pronunciation: enpitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office , art
translation: (lead) pencil
鉛筆の芯: enpitsunoshin: lead of a pencil <<<
鉛筆で書く: enpitsudekaku: write with pencil <<<
鉛筆を削る: enpitsuokezuru: sharpen a pencil <<<
鉛筆削り: enpitsukezuri: pencil sharpener
鉛筆入れ: enpitsuire: pencil case <<<
鉛筆画: enpitsuga: pencil sketch <<<
赤鉛筆: akaenpitsu: red pencil <<<
青鉛筆: aoenpitsu: blue pencil <<<
色鉛筆: iroenpitsu: colored pencil <<<


pronunciation: oogara
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body , art
translation: large pattern, large build
大柄な: oogarana: large-patterned, of large build, large-built
related words: 大型


pronunciation: ooya, taika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty , art
translation: owner of a rented house, landlord, great master


pronunciation: kaiga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: paintings, drawings, pictures
絵画の: kaigano: pictorial, graphic
絵画的: kaigateki: picturesque <<<
絵画展: kaigaten: art exhibition <<<
絵画館: kaigakan: art gallery <<<
絵画芸術: kaigageijutsu: painting art <<< 芸術


pronunciation: kakejiku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 掛け軸
keyword: art
translation: hanging scroll
related words: 掛物 ,


pronunciation: kakemono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 掛け物
keyword: art
translation: hanging scroll
related words: 掛軸 ,


pronunciation: kankaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , art
translation: sense, sensation, feeling, sensibility
感覚が鋭い: kankakugasurudoi: have keen senses <<<
感覚が鈍い: kankakuganibui: have dull senses <<<
感覚の無い: kankakunonai: insensible, senseless <<<
感覚を失う: kankakuoushinau: become insensible, be benumbed <<<
感覚的: kankakuteki: sensory, sensuous, sensorial <<<
感覚論: kankakuron: sensationalism <<<
感覚論者: kankakuronsha: sensualist <<<
感覚派: kankakuha <<<
感覚美: kankakubi: sensuous beauty <<<
感覚神経: kankakushinkei: sensitive nerves <<< 神経
感覚器官: kankakukikan: sense organ <<< 器官
感覚中枢: kankakuchuusuu: sense center, sensorium <<< 中枢
synonyms: 感性 , 知覚

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