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Direct access: 家政 , 勝手 , 家庭 , 家内 , 壁紙 , 蚊帳 , 換気 , 外灯 , 帰宅 , 木戸


pronunciation: kasei
keyword: house
translation: household management, domestic economy, housekeeping
家政を見る: kaseiomiru: manage a household, keep house <<<
家政を執る: kaseiotoru <<<
家政婦: kaseihu: housekeeper, day woman <<< , 女中
家政科: kaseika: domestic economic course <<<
家政学: kaseigaku: domestic science, home economics <<<
家政学部: kaseigakubu: faculty of domestic economy [science] <<< 学部
家政学校: kaseigakkou: school of home economics <<< 学校
related words: 家事


pronunciation: katte
keyword: house
translation: kitchen, circumstances, condition, private arrangements
勝手な: kattena: selfish, self-willed, willful
勝手に: katteni: at one's pleasure, as one pleases [likes], at one's convenience, selfishly, willfully, voluntarily, without leave, at one's discretion, arbitrarily, freely
勝手の良い: kattenoii: convenient, handy <<<
勝手の悪い: kattenowarui: inconvenient, not handy <<<
勝手にしろ: kattenishiro: please yourself
勝手向き: kattemuki: circumstance, situation <<<
勝手口: katteguchi: kitchen door, back door <<<
勝手道具: kattedougu: kitchen appliance <<< 道具
身勝手: migatte: egoist <<<
related words: 台所 , 放題


pronunciation: katei
keyword: family , house
translation: family (n.), home, household
家庭の: kateino: family (a.), home, household, domestic, homely
家庭的: kateiteki: homely <<<
家庭で: kateide: at home, in the home
家庭向きの: kateimukino: for domestic use <<<
家庭を持つ: kateiomotsu: make a home <<<
家庭科: kateika: homemaking course <<<
家庭着: kateigi: home dress <<<
家庭欄: kateiran: domestic column <<<
家庭医: kateii: family doctor <<<
家庭教師: kateikyoushi: private teacher <<< 教師
家庭教育: kateikyouiku: home education [discipline] <<< 教育
家庭用品: kateiyouhin: domestic articles <<< 用品
家庭料理: kateiryouri: home cooking <<< 料理
家庭裁判所: kateisaibansho: court of family affairs <<< 裁判所
家庭内暴力: kateinaibouryoku: domestic violence
related words: ホーム , 家族


pronunciation: kanai
keyword: family , house
translation: housewife, household (n.)
家内の: kanaino: domestic, household (a.)
家内中: kanaijuu: whole family, all the family <<<
家内一同: kanaiichidou
家内工業: kanaikougyou: domestic [household] industry <<< 工業
家内労働: kanairoudou: domestic [household] labor <<< 労働
家内安全: kanaianzen: domestic peace <<< 安全
related words: , 家族 , 女房


pronunciation: kabegami
keyword: house , computer
translation: wallpaper (n.)
壁紙を貼る: kabegamioharu: wallpaper (v.) <<<


pronunciation: kaya
keyword: house
translation: mosquito net
蚊帳を吊る: kayaotsuru: put up a mosquito net <<<
蚊帳を外す: kayaohazusu: take down a mosquito net <<<


pronunciation: kanki
keyword: house
translation: ventilation
換気する: kankisuru: ventilate
換気の良い: kankinoii: well-ventilated <<<
換気の悪い: kankinowarui: ill-ventilated <<<
換気孔: kankikou: air vent, ventilation shaft <<<
換気扇: kankisen: exhaust fan, kitchen fan <<<
換気装置: kankisouchi: ventilation system, ventilator <<< 装置
related words: 通風


pronunciation: gaitou
keyword: house
translation: outdoor lamp
related words: 街灯


pronunciation: kitaku
keyword: house
translation: homecoming, returning home
帰宅する: kitakusuru: go [come, return] home
帰宅の途につく: kitakunotonitsuku: make for home <<<
帰宅の途中で: kitakunotochuude: on one's way home <<< 途中


pronunciation: kido
keyword: house , show
translation: wicket, (wooden) gate, door, entrance
木戸番: kidoban: gatekeeper <<<
木戸銭: kidosen: admission fee, gate money <<<
木戸御免: kidogomen: privilege of free admittance <<< 御免
庭木戸: niwakido: garden door <<<

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