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Direct access: 無害 , 目脂 , 朦朧 , 養生 , カロリー , デリヘル , マッサージ


pronunciation: mugai
keyword: health
translation: harmlessness, innoxiousness
無害な: mugaina: harmless, innocuous, innoxious
無害である: mugaidearu: be harmless, do no harm
related words: 有害


pronunciation: meyani
keyword: health
translation: discharge from the eye


pronunciation: mourou
keyword: health
translation: dimness
朦朧とした: mouroutoshita: dim, indistinct, obscure, hazy
朦朧として: mouroutoshite: dimly, indistinctly
頭が朦朧とする: atamagamouroutosuru: have a dim consciousness <<<


pronunciation: youjou
keyword: health
translation: care [preservation] of health, recuperation
養生する: youjousuru: take care of oneself, be careful of one's health, recuperate (oneself)
養生の為: youjounotame: for [to improve] one's health <<<
養生法: youjouhou: hygiene, rule for one's health, regimen <<< , 衛生
食養生: shokuyoujou: diet <<< , ダイエット
不養生: huyoujou: neglect of health <<<
不養生な: huyoujouna: intemperate, unwholesome
不養生をする: huyoujouosuru: be careless of one's health
養生テープ: youjouteepu: masking tape
related words: 静養


pronunciation: karorii
etymology: calorie (eg.)
keyword: health
translation: calorie
カロリーが多い: karoriigaooi: have a high calorific value
カロリーが少ない: karoriigasukunai: have a low calorific value
カロリー価: karoriika: calorific value
カロリー値: karoriichi
高カロリーの: koukaroriino: rich in calories, high-calorie
低カロリーの: teikaroriino: low in calories, low-calorie


pronunciation: deriheru
etymology: delivery health (eg.)
keyword: sex , health
translation: (a kind of) prostitution
デリヘル嬢: deriherujou: (a kind of) prostitute


pronunciation: massaaji
etymology: massage (eg.)
keyword: health
translation: massage (n.), rubdown
マッサージする: massaajisuru: massage (v.), rub down
マッサージ師: massaajishi: massager, massagist, rubber
マッサージ機: massaajiki: electric massager
マッサージ・チェア: massaajichea: massage chair
synonyms: 按摩

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