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Direct access: 自称 , 辞典 , 字引 , 述語 , 受動 , 常用 , 助詞 , 女性 , 接頭 , 接続


pronunciation: jishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: the first person
自称の: jishouno: self-styled
自称する: jishousuru: call [style] oneself, profess oneself [claim] to be


pronunciation: jiten
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 事典
keyword: grammar , book
translation: dictionary, lexicon, glossary, thesaurus
辞典を引く: jitennohiku: look up in a dictionary, consult [refer to, look into] a dictionary <<<
synonyms: 辞書 , 字引


pronunciation: jibiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar , book
translation: dictionary
synonyms: 辞書 , 辞典


pronunciation: jutsugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: predicate (of a sentence)
述語的: jutsugoteki: predicative <<<
述語的に: jutsugotekini: predicatively
antonyms: 主語


pronunciation: judou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: passivity
受動的: judouteki: passive <<<
受動的に: judoutekini: passively
受動形: judoukei: passive form <<<
受動態: judoutai: passive voice <<<
受動喫煙: judoukitsuen: passive smoking <<< 喫煙
antonyms: 能動


pronunciation: jouyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , grammar
translation: ordinary use, habitual use, addiction, dependence
常用の: jouyouno: in ordinary use
常用する: jouyousuru: use regularly
常用者: jouyousha: habitual user, addict <<<
常用語: jouyougo: common words <<<
常用漢字: jouyoukanji: commonly used Chinese characters in Japan <<< 漢字
常用対数: jouyoutaisuu: common logarithms <<< 対数


pronunciation: joshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: particle (in grammar)


pronunciation: josei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes , grammar
translation: gentle [fair] sex, womanhood, woman, lady, feminine gender
女性の: joseino: feminine, female (a.)
女性的: joseiteki: womanly, womanlike, feminine, womanish, effeminate <<<
女性美: joseibi: feminine beauty <<<
女性用: joseiyou: for women <<<
女性着: joseigi: women's clothes <<<
女性形: joseikei: feminine gender <<<
女性観: joseikan: view of womanhood <<<
女性心理: joseishinri: feminine psychology <<< 心理
女性社員: joseishain: feminine staff <<< 社員
女性歌手: joseikashu: female singer <<< 歌手
女性名詞: joseimeishi: feminine noun <<< 名詞
女性ドライバー: joseidoraibaa: woman driver
女性ホルモン: joseihorumon: female hormone, estrogen
antonyms: 男性
related words: 婦人 , 女子


pronunciation: settou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: prefixation
接頭法: settouhou <<<
接頭辞: settouji: prefix (n.) <<<
接頭辞を付ける: settoujiotsukeru: prefix (v.) <<<
related words: 接尾


pronunciation: setsuzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , grammar
translation: junction, connection
接続する: setsuzokusuru: join, connect
接続駅: setsuzokueki: junction station <<<
接続詞: setsuzokushi: conjunction <<<
related words: 連結 , リンク

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