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Direct access: 面梟 , 猛禽 , 百舌 , 夜鷹 , 留鳥 , 綿毛 , 渡り鳥 , , ,


pronunciation: menhukurou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: メンフクロウ
keyword: bird
translation: barn owl


pronunciation: moukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: bird of prey, rapacious bird
猛禽類: moukinrui: kind of rapacious birds <<<


pronunciation: mozu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: モズ
keyword: bird
translation: shrike, butcherbird


pronunciation: yotaka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ヨタカ
keyword: bird
translation: nighthawk, nightjar, bullbat, streetwalker [girl] (anc.)


pronunciation: ryuuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: resident bird, sedentary bird, nonmigratory bird
antonyms: 渡り鳥


pronunciation: watage
kanji characters: 綿 ,
keyword: bird , fabric
translation: down
綿毛の: watageno: fluffy, fleecy
綿毛に覆われた: watagenioowareta: downy <<<


pronunciation: wataridori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: bird of passage, migratory bird
antonyms: 留鳥

category: to learn in school
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 6
translation: feather, plume, plumage, wing
羽: hane
羽が生える: hanegahaeru: fledge <<<
羽が有る: hanegaaru: feathered, winged <<<
羽を広げる: haneohirogeru: spread the wings <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , bird
Number of strokes: 7
translation: egg, spawn, roe
ran, kon
卵: tamago: egg, spawn (n.), roe
卵の殻: tamagonokara: eggshell <<<
卵を産む: tamagooumu: lay an egg, spawn (v.) <<<
卵を抱く: tamagoodaku: sit on eggs, brood <<<
卵を焼く: tamagooyaku: fry a egg <<<
卵を割る: tamagoowaru: break [open] an egg <<<
卵を孵す: tamagookaesu: hatch an egg
synonyms: 玉子

category: to learn in school
keyword: bird , animal
Number of strokes: 11
translation: nest, beehive, cobweb, lair
巣: su: nest (n.), beehive, cobweb, lair
巣う: sukuu: nest (v.)
巣を作る: suotsukuru: build a nest <<<
巣に着く: sunitsuku: sit (on eggs), brood <<<
巣を掛ける: suokakeru: weave [spin] a web <<<

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