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Direct access: 便箋 , 返信 , 無線 , 郵便 , 連絡


pronunciation: binsen
kanji characters: 便
keyword: communication
translation: writing paper, notepaper, letter paper, writing pad
related words: 手紙


pronunciation: henshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: reply (n.), answer, letter [mail] in reply
返信する: henshinsuru: answer [reply to] a letter [mail], send a reply
返信料: henshinryou: return postage <<<
返信用: henshinnyou: for reply <<<
返信用葉書: henshinnyouhagaki: reply (postal) card <<< 葉書
related words: 返事 , 返答


pronunciation: musen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: wireless, radio
無線電報: musendenpou: wireless telegram [message], radiotelegram <<< 電報
無線電信: musendenshin: wireless telegraph, radiotelegraph
無線電信を打つ: musendenshinnoutsu: send a wireless, send a message by wireless
無線電信で: musendenshinde: by wireless [radio]
無線電信術: musendenshinjutsu: wireless telegraphy, radiotelegraphy
無線電信局: musendenshinkyoku: radio [wireless] station
無線電話: musendenwa: wireless telephone, radiophone, walkie-talkie <<< 電話
無線技師: musengishi: radio [wireless] operator <<< 技師
無線放送: musenhousou: radiobroadcasting, broadcasting by wireless <<< 放送
無線標識: musenhyoushiki: radio [wireless] beacon <<< 標識
無線工学: musenkougaku: radio engineering <<< 工学
無線装置: musensouchi: radio [wireless] apparatus <<< 装置
無線操縦: musensoujuu: radio [wireless] control <<< 操縦
無線操縦機: musensoujuuki: radio-controlled plane <<<
無線自動車: musenjidousha: radio car <<< 自動車
related words: ラジオ


pronunciation: yuubin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport , communication
translation: post, mail
郵便の: yuubinnno: postal
郵便で: yuubinde: by mail (post)
郵便箱: yuubinbako: postbox, mailbox <<<
郵便局: yuubinkyoku: post office <<<
郵便局員: yuubinkyokuin: mail [mailing, postal] clerk <<<
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 局長
郵便料: yuubinryou: postage, postal charges <<<
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin <<< 料金
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 貯金
郵便番号: yuubinbangou: postcode, zip code <<< 番号
郵便為替: yuubinkawase: postal order, money order <<< 為替
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 配達
郵便小包: yuubinkoZutsumi: parcel post <<< 小包
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 葉書
郵便ポスト: yuubinposuto: pillar box, mailbox, letter drop
related words: 手紙 , メール


pronunciation: renraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , communication
translation: connection, junction, communication, contact
連絡する: renrakusuru: connect, join, communicate, reach, contact (v.)
連絡の有る: renrakunoaru: connected <<<
連絡の無い: renrakunonai: unconnected <<<
連絡を付ける: renrakuotsukeru: establish a connection with <<<
連絡を保つ: renrakuotamotsu: keep in touch <<<
連絡を絶つ: renrakuotatsu: cut off communications with <<<
連絡を失う: renrakuoushinau: lose contact with <<<
連絡駅: renrakueki: junction station <<<
連絡線: renrakusen: connecting line <<<
連絡船: renrakusen: ferry boat <<<
連絡係: renrakugakari: liaison man <<<
連絡先: renrakusaki: contact address <<<
連絡将校: renrakushoukou: liaison officer <<< 将校
連絡切符: renrakukippu: through [transfer] ticket <<< 切符
連絡事務所: renrakujimusho: liaison office

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