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Direct access: 縁側 , 煙突 , 屋上 , 奥行 , 御宅 , 踊場 , 母屋 , 階段 , 家屋 , 家事


pronunciation: engawa
keyword: house
translation: veranda (in a Japanese house), porch, piazza
related words: ベランダ


pronunciation: entotsu
keyword: house
translation: chimney, stovepipe, funnel
煙突を立てる: entotsuotateru: build a chimney <<<
煙突掃除: entotsusouji: chimney sweeping, chimney sweeper <<< 掃除
煙突掃除をする: entotsusoujiosuru: sweep a chimney
煙突掃除夫: entotsusoujihu: chimney sweeper <<<
煙突掃除器: entotsusoujiki: chimney sweeper's brush <<<


pronunciation: okujou
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof, rooftop
屋上で: okujoude: on the roof
屋上庭園: okujouteien: roof garden <<< 庭園
屋上屋を重ねる: okujouokuokasaneru: paint the lily
屋上屋を架す: okujouokuokasu
related words: 屋根


pronunciation: okuyuki
keyword: house
translation: depth
奥行の有る: okuyukinoaru: deep, profound <<<


pronunciation: otaku
other spells: お宅
keyword: house
translation: your house, you
synonyms: 貴方 ,


pronunciation: odoriba
other spells: 踊り場
keyword: house
translation: dancing hall, landing, pace
related words: 階段


pronunciation: omoya
keyword: house
translation: main house [building]


pronunciation: kaidan
keyword: house , construction
translation: stairs, staircase, stairway
階段を上る: kaidannonoboru: go up the stairs <<<
階段を昇る: kaidannonoboru <<<
階段を下る: kaidannooriru: go down the stairs <<<
階段を降る: kaidannooriru <<<
階段状: kaidanjou: stepwise <<<
階段教室: kaidankyoushitsu: lecture theater <<< 教室
階段座席: kaidanzaseki: series of seats [steps], terrace <<< 座席
急な階段: kyuunakaidan: abrupt [steep] steps [stairs] <<<
緩い階段: yuruikaidan: gentle steps [stairs] <<<
裏階段: urakaidan: backstairs <<<
related words: 段階 , 段々


pronunciation: kaoku
keyword: house
translation: house, building
家屋税: kaokuzei: house tax <<<
synonyms: 建物


pronunciation: kaji
keyword: house
translation: household matters, family affairs, domestic chores, housework
家事の: kajino: domestic
家事をする: kajiosuru: work at home
家事の都合で: kajinotsugoude: for family reasons <<< 都合
家事を取締る: kajiotorishimaru: manage the house <<< 取締
家事仕事: kajishigoto: domestic works <<< 仕事
related words: 家政

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