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Direct access: 調子 , 調律 , 調和 , 導入 , 童謡 , 二部 , 音色 , 拍手 , 囃子 , 反復


pronunciation: choushi
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: music
translation: tune, key, note, pitch, tone, vein
調子が合う: choushigaau: get in tune <<<
調子が外れる: choushigahazureru: get out of tune <<<
調子が狂う: choushigakuruu <<<
調子外れの: choushihazureno: discordant, out of tune <<<
調子を合わせる: choushioawaseru: tune up, put in tune, keep tune (with) <<<
調子を変える: choushiokaeru: modulate (a tone), change one's tone, change one's tune <<<
調子が良い: choushigaii: be in good condition, be in shape <<<
調子が悪い: choushigawarui: be in poor condition <<<
調子が出る: choushigaderu: warm up, get along, be in full swing <<<
調子付く: choushiZuku <<<
調子に乗る: choushininoru: get into the swing, be elated, let oneself go <<<
related words: 音程 , テンポ , リズム


pronunciation: chouritsu
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: music
translation: tuning
調律する: chouritsusuru: tune (v.), put in tune
調律師: chouritsushi: tuner <<<


pronunciation: chouwa
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: art , music
translation: harmony, agreement, concord, balance
調和した: chouwashita: harmonious
調和の取れた: chouwanotoreta <<<
調和しない: chouwashinai: inharmonious, discordant
調和する: chouwasuru: harmonize (vi.), match
調和させる: chouwasaseru: harmonize (vt.)
調和関数: chouwakansuu: harmonic function <<< 関数
調和数列: chouwasuuretsu: harmonic progression
related words: ハーモニー


pronunciation: dounyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , music
translation: introduction, innovation
導入する: dounyuusuru: introduce, innovate
導入部: dounyuubu: introduction <<<


pronunciation: douyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: children's (nursery) song
童謡集: douyoushuu: nursery rhymes <<<


pronunciation: nibu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2部
keyword: book , music
translation: two parts, two volumes
二部合奏: nibugassou: duet, ensemble in two parts <<< 合奏
二部授業: nibujugyou: double-shift school system <<< 授業
第二部: dainibu: the second part [section] <<<
related words: 三部


pronunciation: neiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: quality of a sound, tone, timbre
音色の良い: neironoii, neironoyoi: melodic, melodious <<<
音色の美しい: neironoutsukushii <<<


pronunciation: hakushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music , sport
translation: clapping (of hands), applause, cheers and claps
拍手する: hakushusuru: clap one's hands, applaud (a person)
拍手喝采: hakushukassai: cheer and clap
拍手喝采する: hakushukassaisuru: give (a person) thunders of applause


pronunciation: hayashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: music band (anc.), festival music
祭囃子: matsuribayashi: festival music <<<
囃子入りで: hayashiiride: with musical accompaniment <<<
囃子方: hayashikata: musician, bandsman, band <<< , オーケストラ
related words: 音楽


pronunciation: hanpuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: repetition, reiterate
反復する: hanpukusuru: repeat, reiterate, do [say] over (and over) again
反復して: hanpukushite: repeatedly, over and over again
反復記号: hanpukukigou: sign of repetition, ditto sign [marks] <<< 記号

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