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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 高齢 , 告別 , 孤独 , 婚姻 , 婚約 , 再会 , 再起 , 再婚 , 最期 , 才能


pronunciation: kourei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: advanced age
高齢の: koureino: old, ripe, aged, elderly (a.)
高齢に達する: koureinitassuru: attain an advanced age <<<
高齢化: koureika: aging <<<
高齢者: koureisha: old person, elderly (n.) <<< , 老人 , 年寄
高齢者住宅: koureishajuutaku: residence for elderly people, senior residence, retirement home <<< 住宅


pronunciation: kokubetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: leave-taking, separation
告別する: kokubetsusuru: say goodbye
告別の辞: kokubetsunoji: farewell address, valediction <<<
告別の宴: kokubetsunoutage: farewell banquet <<<
告別式: kokubetsushiki: farewell (funeral) service <<<


pronunciation: kodoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: solitude, loneliness
孤独な: kodokuna: lonely, alone, solitary
孤独の人: kodokunohito: lonely person <<<
孤独癖: kodokuguse: shut-in <<<
related words: 孤立


pronunciation: konnin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: marriage
婚姻届: konnintodoke: written report of marriage <<<
婚姻届を出す: konnintodokeodasu: have one's marriage registered <<<
婚姻を解消する: konninnokaishousuru: dissolve one's marriage <<< 解消
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: konnyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: engagement, betrothal
婚約する: konnyakusuru: engage
婚約している: konnyakushiteiru: be engaged
婚約者: konnyakusha: fiancé, betrothed <<<
婚約指輪: konnyakuyubiwa: engagement ring <<< 指輪
related words: 結婚 , 縁談


pronunciation: saikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: reunion
再会する: saikaisuru: meet again, reunite


pronunciation: saiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: recovery, come back, convalescence
再起する: saikisuru: recover, come back, make one's comeback
再起不能: saikihunou: past [beyond all] hope of recovery, disabled for active service <<< 不能
related words: 回復


pronunciation: saikon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: second marriage, remarriage
再婚の: saikonnno: remarried
再婚する: saikonsuru: marry again, remarry, be married again
再婚者: saikonsha: remarried person <<<
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: saigo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: one's death [end]
最期の言葉: saigonokotoba: one's last [dying] words <<< 言葉
related words: 最後 , 臨終


pronunciation: sainou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: talent, gift, genius
才能の有る: sainounoaru: talented, gifted, able <<<
才能の無い: sainounonai: ungifted, unable <<<
才能を伸ばす: sainouonobasu: develop one's talents <<<
才能を磨く: sainouomigaku <<<
才能を隠す: sainouokakusu: hide one's talents <<<
related words: 能力 , 力量

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