ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
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キーワード: 交通
画数: 10
翻訳:quick, fast, rapid, swift
速い: はやい: quick, fast, rapid, swift
速く: はやく: quickly, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, hastily
速く成る: はやくなる: get faster, become more rapid <<<
速める: はやめる: accelerate, quicken
速やか: すみやか: quickness, rapidity, swiftness
速やかな: すみやかな: quick, rapid, swift, speedy, prompt, instant, immediate
速やかに: すみやかに: quickly, rapidly, swiftly, speedily, promptly, instantly, immediately, at once

キーワード: 交通 , 天気
画数: 10
翻訳:go down, fall, descend
コウ, ゴウ
降りる: おりる: go down, come down, get out, fall, jump off, go downstairs, retire, pull out, withdraw <<<
降ろす: おろす: get down, bring down <<<
降る: くだる: go down, come down, descend <<<
降る: ふる: fall (v.), rain
降っても照っても: ふってもてっても: rain or shine, regardless of the weather <<<
降って湧いた様な: ふってわいたような: quite unforeseen
関連語: ダウン

キーワード: 交通
画数: 10
翻訳:road without obstacle (org.), pass, get through
ツウ, ツ, トウ
通: つう: connoisseur (jp.), expert
通じる: つうじる: be deeply versed (in), be well acquainted (with), be conversant (with), be understood, be comprehended, make oneself understood, be intelligible, pass, be opened (to), be connected by, lead to, communicate secretly with, betray, be transmitted
通る: とおる: pass (along, through, by), get through, go by the name of, be known as, hold good, be accepted
通す: とおす: let (a person) pass [through], make way for (a person), pass [let] (a thing) through, pierce, penetrate, permeate, be pervious to, carry out, realize, persist in, keep [stick] to, hold firm to, keep (doing)
通り: とおり: street (jp.), road, street traffic, passage, drainage, a kind, a sort, a way, a manner
通り掛る: とおりかかる, とおりがかる: happened to pass by <<<
通り掛りの: とおりがかりの: passing <<<
通り掛りの人: とおりがかりのひと: passer-by
通り越す: とおりこす: go beyond [past], pass (a place) <<<
通り過ぎる: とおりすぎる <<<
通り抜ける: とおりぬける: pass [get, go, run] through <<<
通う: かよう: go to and from (a place), go to (a place) and back, ply (between), run (between), be opened to traffic, visit frequently, frequent( v.), resort (to)
通い: かよい: living-out (employee), chit book (jp.)
通い詰める: かよいつめる: frequent (a place), make frequent visits (to) <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 11
翻訳:treasure, precious article

貨: たから <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 11
翻訳:advance, go forward, go up, raise, promote
進む: すすむ: advance (vi.), go forward, make one's way (to, toward), make progress, improve, feel inclined to do, be interested in, gain, be getting worse, be in a worse condition, be promoted [raised] to
進: すすんだ: advanced
進める: すすめる: advance (vt.), put forward, promote, raise, stimulate, hasten, speed up

キーワード: 交通
画数: 11
翻訳:stop, halt, stay, take a rest
テイ, チョウ
停まる: とどまる: stop (vi.), halt, stay <<< ,
停める: とめる: stop (vt.) <<< ,

キーワード: 交通 , 生活
画数: 12
翻訳:go round, transport (ext.), fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運: うん: fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運が良い: うんがいい, うんがよい: be in luck <<<
運の良い: うんのいい, うんのよい: lucky, fortunate <<<
運良く: うんよく: luckily, fortunately, by good luck, as good luck would have it <<<
運が悪い: うんがわるい: be out of luck <<<
運の悪い: うんのわるい: unlucky, unfortunate <<<
運悪く: うんわるく: unluckily, unfortunately, by ill luck, as ill luck would have it <<<
運が向く: うんがむく: luck turns to one's favor <<<
運が尽きる: うんがつきる: One's fate is sealed <<<
運を試す: うんをためす: try one's luck <<<
運ぶ: はこぶ: transport, carry, convey
運る: めぐる: go round, come round, revolve <<< ,
運: まわりあわせ: chance, fate, destiny, opportunity
運: やす, かず, ゆき: pers.
関連語: チャンス

キーワード: 交通
画数: 16
翻訳:send, forward

輸る: おくる: send, forward, remit, transmit, ship, consign, dispatch <<<
輸す: いたす: do, cause <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 16
翻訳:pile up, heap up, collect
セキ, シャク
積む: つむ: pile up, heap up
積もる: つもる: be piled, accumulate
積もり: つもり: intention, motive, thought, purpose, expectation, anticipation
積える: たくわえる: store up, collect
積み上げる: つみあげる: pile [heap] up, accumulate, stack up <<<
積み入れる: つみいれる: ship (v.), take in, take on board <<<
積み替える: つみかえる: transfer, transship, reship <<<
積み重なる: つみかさなる: be piled up, lie in piles, accumulate <<<
積み重ねる: つみかさねる: place (one thing) upon (another), pile up, accumulate, heap (v.), make a heap of <<<
積み込む: つみこむ: load (a truck), ship (a cargo), take in <<<
積み出す: つみだす: send off (by ship, by train), ship off <<<
積み立てる: つみたてる: save up (money), put [lay] (money) by, deposit <<<
積み直す: つみなおす: reload, pile over again <<<
積み残す: つみのこす: leave (a thing) unloaded, shut out from shipping <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 9
翻訳:rut, (wheel) track, road (ext.), way

軌: わだち: rut, wheel track <<<
軌: みち: road, way <<<
軌を一にする: きをいつにする: have the same way of doing <<<

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