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Direct access: 上昇 , 水平 , 操縦 , 着地 , 着陸 , 直航 , 墜落 , 投下 , 搭乗 , 発着


pronunciation: joushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: ascent, ascension, upturn, escalation, climbing, rise (n.), lift (n.)
上昇する: joushousuru: go up, rise (v.), ascend, soar, climb, lift (v.)
上昇力: joushouryoku: climbing power <<<
上昇線: joushousen: rising curve <<<
上昇曲線: joushoukyokusen <<< 曲線
上昇気流: joushoukiryuu: bump, convection <<< 気流
上昇速度: joushousokudo: rate of climb, rising speed <<< 速度
上昇限度: joushougendo: ceiling <<< 限度
antonyms: 下降


pronunciation: suihei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane , nature
translation: level (n.), horizontality, horizontalness
水平の: suiheino: horizontal, level (a.)
水平に: suiheini: horizontally, at a level
水平面: suiheimen: horizontal plane <<<
水平舵: suiheida: tail fin <<<
水平線: suiheisen: horizon, horizontal line, sea line <<<
水平思考: suiheishikou: lateral thinking <<< 思考
水平飛行: suiheihikou: level flight <<< 飛行
水平運動: suiheiundou: horizontal movement, leveling movement <<< 運動
水平尾翼: suiheibiyoku: tail plane
水平爆撃: suiheibakugeki: horizontal bombing <<< 爆撃
related words: 垂直


pronunciation: soujuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: management, handling, piloting, steering
操縦する: soujuusuru: manage, handle, pilot (v.), steer
操縦室: soujuujitsu: cockpit, flight deck <<<
操縦席: soujuuseki: pilot's seat, cockpit <<<
操縦桿: soujuukan: control stick, lever
操縦士: soujuushi: pilot (n.) <<<
副操縦士: hukusoujuushi: copilot <<<
related words: 操舵


pronunciation: chakuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: landing
着地する: chakuchisuru: land (v.)


pronunciation: chakuriku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: landing, touchdown
着陸する: chakurikusuru: land (v.), ground, touch down
着陸場: chakurikujou: landing ground [field, strip] <<<
着陸地: chakurikuchi <<<
着陸装置: chakurikusouchi: landing gear <<< 装置
着陸甲板: chakurikukanpan: landing deck <<< 甲板
軟着陸: nanchakuriku: soft landing <<<
月着陸: tsukichakuriku: lunar landing <<<
related words: 離陸


pronunciation: chokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , airplane
translation: direct sail
直航する: chokkousuru: sail directly (for), make a nonstop flight (to)
直航船: chokkousen: direct steamer (for) <<<
直航路: chokkouro: direct line <<<
直航便: chokkoubin: nonstop flight (for) <<< 便
related words: 直行


pronunciation: tsuiraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: fall (n.), downfall, drop, crash
墜落する: tsuirakusuru: fall (v.), drop, fall to the ground, crash
related words: 落下


pronunciation: touka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: drop (n.), dropping
投下する: toukasuru: throw down, drop, invest
投下資本: toukashihon: invested capital <<< 資本
related words: 落下


pronunciation: toujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: boarding
搭乗する: toujousuru: board [get on] a plane
搭乗員: toujouin: crew member, crew <<<
搭乗券: toujouken: boarding pass <<<
搭乗者: toujousha: passenger <<<


pronunciation: hatchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: arrival and departure
発着する: hatchakusuru: arrive and depart
発着場: hatchakujou: landing place [stage] <<<
発着枠: hatchakuwaku: landing [airport] slot <<<

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