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category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 10
translation: evening
宵: yoi
宵の口に: yoinokuchini: in the early hours of evening, early in the evening, toward evening <<<

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 12
translation: late, slow, wait for
遅れる: okureru: be late, be behind time
遅らす: okurasu: delay, defer
遅らせる: okuraseru
遅い: osoi: late (a.), slow, tardy
遅れ: okure: delay, lag
遅れを取る: okureotoru: be behind others, be beaten [defeated] <<<
遅れを取り戻す: okureotorimodosu: catch up on a delay
遅く: osoku: late (adv.), slowly
遅くとも: osokutomo: at (the) least
遅くまで: osokumade: to lately
遅く成る: osokunaru: be late, be behind time, decelerate <<<
遅かれ早かれ: osokarehayakare: sooner or later <<<
遅つ: matsu: wait for, await <<<
related words: ,

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 12
translation: dawn, understand (ext.)
暁: akatsuki: dawn
暁に: akatsukini: bright and early
暁近く: akatsukichikaku: at break of day, before dawn of day <<<
の暁には: noakatsukiniha: in the event of [that]
暁る: satoru: understand (become clear), realize <<< ,
synonyms: , 明方 , 夜明

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 13
translation: leisure, spare time
暇: hima: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, dismissal, discharge
暇が無い: himaganai: have no time (to spare), have no leisure (to do, for a matter) <<< ,
暇な時に: himanatokini: at one's leisure, when one has time (to spare) <<<
暇でしたら: himadeshitara: If you are free [not engaged]
暇を潰す: himaotsubusu: kill time, while away one's time <<<
暇取る: himadoru: take time, delay <<< ,
暇が掛かる: himagakakaru <<<
暇を遣る: himaoyaru: give leave (of absence) <<<
暇を出す: himaodasu: dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire (a person) <<<
暇を取る: himaotoru: leave one's service [employment] <<<
暇: itoma: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, farewell
暇を告げる: itomaotsugeru: take one's leave <<<
暇を告げずに: itomaotsugezuni: without taking leave <<<
暇を乞う: itomaokou: ask a leave [separation] <<<
synonyms: レジャー

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 15
translation: provisional
暫く: shibaraku: for a while, for some time, a moment, a minute
暫し: shibashi
暫に: karini: provisionally, provisionally, for the time being, on trial <<<

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 17
translation: often, frequently, continually, incessantly
hin, bin
頻に: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly, eagerly, intently, hard

category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 3
translation: year of the snake (Chinese Zodiac), 10h am.
巳: mi
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: year of the ox (Chinese Zodiac), 2h am
chou, chu
丑: ushi: ox (zod.) <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 5
translation: rabbit, six o'clock AM
卯: u: six o'clock AM (anc.)
卯: usagi: rabbit (in Chinese or Japanese zodiac) <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 5
translation: tomorrow, morning
旦: ashita: tomorrow <<< 明日
旦: asa: morning <<<

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