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Direct access: , 合鍵 , 雨戸 , 雨樋 , 網戸 , 一階 , 井戸 , 居間 , 入口 , 囲炉裏

category: JIS2
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 14
translation: cave, cellar
ka, wa
窩: muro
Kanji words:


pronunciation: aikagi
keyword: house
translation: duplicate [fellow] key, master key, passkey, skeleton key


pronunciation: amado
keyword: house
translation: sliding shutter


pronunciation: amadoi
keyword: house
translation: eaves-gutter


pronunciation: amido
keyword: house
translation: wire [screen] door


pronunciation: ikkai
other spells: 1階
keyword: house
translation: the first floor (us), the ground floor (uk)
一階の家: ikkainoie: one-storied [one-story] house <<<
related words: 二階


pronunciation: ido
keyword: house
translation: well
井戸を掘る: idoohoru: dig [sink] a well <<<
井戸掘り: idohori: well digging, well digger
井戸を浚う: idoosarau: clean a well <<<
井戸浚い: idosarai: cleaning of a well
井戸水: idomizu: well water <<<
井戸水を汲む: idomizuokumu: draw water from a well <<<
井戸車: idoguruma: well wheel <<<
井戸端: idobata: well side <<<
井戸端会議: idobatakaigi: housewives' gossip, hen party (around well) <<< 会議
井戸ポンプ: idoponpu: well pump
油井戸: aburaido: oil well <<<


pronunciation: ima
keyword: house
translation: living room
synonyms: リビング


pronunciation: iriguchi
other spells: 入り口
keyword: house , transport
translation: entrance, in way
入口で: iriguchide: at the entrance
入口の所で: iriguchinotokorode <<<
入口を塞ぐ: iriguchiohusagu: block the entrance <<<
synonyms: 玄関
antonyms: 出口


pronunciation: irori
keyword: house
translation: hearth, fireplace
囲炉裏端: iroribata: fireside <<<
related words: 暖炉

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