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Direct access: 白星 , 審判 , 次点 , 柔軟 , 順位 , 聖火 , 静止 , 制覇 , 雪辱 , 選手


pronunciation: shiroboshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: white dot [spot], victory mark, winning point
白星を挙げる: shiroboshioageru: win a game [match, point] <<<
白星を取る: shiroboshiotoru <<<
antonyms: 黒星


pronunciation: shinpan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: judge, referee
審判する: shinpansuru: judge (v.), act as umpire [referee]
審判を下す: shinpannokudasu: give a judgment <<<
審判員: shinpannin: referee, umpire (person) <<<
審判者: shinpansha <<<
synonyms: アンパイア


pronunciation: jiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: next (highest) mark [number]
次点に成る: jitennninaru: come second, come next to <<<
次点者: jitensha: second person, candidate with next highest number, runner-up <<<


pronunciation: juunan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: softness
柔軟な: juunannna: soft, pliable, flexible, limber, supple
柔軟さ: juunansa: pliability, flexibility, suppleness
柔軟性: juunansei <<<
柔軟路線: juunanrosen: soft line <<< 路線
柔軟体操: juunantaisou: light gymnastics, calisthenics <<< 体操


pronunciation: junni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: grade, ranking, order
順位を決める: junniokimeru: decide ranking <<<
順位を決定する: junnioketteisuru <<< 決定
順位決定戦: junniketteisen: play-off
synonyms: ランキング


pronunciation: seika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: Olympic Flame (Torch), sacred fire
聖火リレー: seikariree: Olympic Torch relay


pronunciation: seishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , sport
translation: rest (n.), stillness, repose (n.)
静止する: seishisuru: rest (v.), stand still, repose (v.)
静止衛星: seishieisei: geostationary satellite <<< 衛星
静止位置: seishiichi: off-position, normal position <<< 位置
静止状態: seishijoutai: idle condition (state), passive state <<< 状態


pronunciation: seiha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: conquest, domination, supremacy
制覇する: seihasuru: conquer, dominate, win the championship (of)
synonyms: 征服


pronunciation: setsujoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , war
translation: revenge
雪辱する: setsujokusuru: revenge defeat, vindicate one's honor
雪辱戦: setsujokusen: return match, game <<<
related words: 復讐


pronunciation: senshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: (participating) player, athlete, sportsman
選手村: senshumura: Olympic village <<<
選手権: senshuken: championship, title <<<
選手権大会: senshukentaikai: championship series, pennant race <<< 大会
選手団: senshudan: sports team <<<

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