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Direct access: 与党 , 予備 , 世論 , 落選 , 立法 , 了承 , 領事 , 領土 , 旅券 , 臨時


pronunciation: yotou
keyword: politics
translation: government party, ruling party
related words: 野党


pronunciation: yobi
keyword: politics
translation: reserve, preparation
予備の: yobino: reserve, spare, preparatory, preliminary
予備金: yobikin: reserve [emergency] fund, money held in reserve <<<
予備費: yobihi <<<
予備校: yobikou: preparatory school, prep (school) <<<
予備隊: yobitai: reserve troops <<<
予備軍: yobigun <<<
予備兵: yobihei: reservist <<<
予備員: yobiin: reserve man, emergency man <<<
予備会談: yobikaidan: preliminary conference [assembly] <<< 会談
予備交渉: yobikoushou: preliminary negotiations <<< 交渉
予備試験: yobishiken: preliminary examination <<< 試験
予備選挙: yobisenkyo: primary election <<< 選挙
予備知識: yobichishiki: preliminary knowledge <<< 知識
予備タイヤ: yobitaiya: spare tire
予備タンク: yobitanku: reserve [auxiliary] tank
related words: 準備 , スペア


pronunciation: yoron, seron
keyword: politics , media
translation: public opinion
世論に訴える: yoronnniuttaeru: appeal to public opinion [the public] <<<
世論の一致: yoronnnoitchi: consensus of public opinion <<< 一致
世論調査: yoronchousa: poll <<< 調査
世論調査員: yoronchousain: pollster <<<
related words: アンケート


pronunciation: rakusen
keyword: politics , art
translation: defeat, rejection
落選する: rakusensuru: be defeated in an election, be rejected
落選者: rakusensha: unsuccessful candidate <<<
落選作品: rakusensakuhin: rejected work <<< 作品
antonyms: 当選


pronunciation: rippou
keyword: politics , law
translation: legislation, lawmaking
立法の: rippouno: legislative
立法上の: rippoujouno <<<
立法府: rippouhu: legislature <<<
立法部: rippoubu <<<
立法者: rippousha: legislator, lawmaker <<<
立法権: rippouken: legislative power <<<
立法機関: rippoukikan: legislative organ, legislature <<< 機関
related words: 行政


pronunciation: ryoushou
keyword: politics
translation: approval, consent (n.), agreement
了承する: ryoushousuru: approve, consent (v.), agree
related words: 承認 , 同意 , 承知


pronunciation: ryouji
keyword: politics
translation: consulship, consul
領事の: ryoujino: consular
領事館: ryoujikan: consulate <<<
領事館員: ryoujikannin: staff of a consulate, consular officer <<<
総領事: souryouji: consul general <<<
総領事館: souryoujikan: consulate general <<<
副領事: hukuryouji: vice-consul <<<
related words: 大使 , 公使


pronunciation: ryoudo
keyword: geography , politics , war
translation: territory, dominion, possession, land (of a country)
領土の: ryoudono: territorial
領土権: ryoudoken: territorial rights <<<
領土欲: ryoudoyoku: desire for more territories <<<
領土侵略: ryoudoshinryaku: invasion of a territory <<< 侵略
領土保全: ryoudohozen: territorial integrity
related words: 領海 , 領空


pronunciation: ryoken
keyword: politics , travel
translation: passport
旅券査証: ryokensashou: visa <<< 査証
related words: パスポート


pronunciation: rinji
keyword: transport , politics , job
translation: extra (n.), special, exception
臨時の: rinjino: temporary, provisional, special, extraordinary, casual
臨時に: rinjini: temporarily, provisionally, specially
臨時雇い: rinjiyatoi: part-time job, part-timer, temporary employee, extra hand <<<
臨時便: rinjibin: special train, plane, ship <<< 便
臨時国会: rinjikokkai: extraordinary session of the diet <<< 国会
臨時政府: rinjiseihu: provisional government <<< 政府
臨時閣議: rinjikakugi: extraordinary cabinet council
臨時休業: rinjikyuugyou: extra holiday <<< 休業
臨時列車: rinjiressha: special train <<< 列車
臨時ニュース: rinjinyuusu: news flash, breaking news
related words: 暫定

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