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Direct access: 補助 , 本国 , 亡国 , 暴動 , 亡命 , 募金 , 密会 , 民意 , 民営 , 民主


pronunciation: hojo
keyword: politics , transport
translation: assistance, help (n.), aid
補助する: hojosuru: assist, aid, help
補助の: hojono: assistant, subsidiary, supplementary
補助金: hojokin: subsidy, grant <<<
補助員: hojoin: supplementary member <<<
補助翼: hojoyoku: aileron <<<
補助艦: hojokan: auxiliary ship <<<
補助椅子: hojoisu: spare chair <<< 椅子
補助貨幣: hojokahei: subsidiary coins <<< 貨幣
補助機関: hojokikan: subsidiary organ <<< 機関
補助タンク: hojotanku: belly tank, auxiliary tank


pronunciation: hongoku
keyword: politics
translation: one's native [mother] country
本国政府: hongokuseihu: home government <<< 政府


pronunciation: boukoku
keyword: politics
translation: ruin of one's country
亡国の: boukokuno: ruinous to one's country
亡国の民: boukokunotami: ruined [homeless] people <<<


pronunciation: boudou
keyword: politics , war
translation: riot (n.), rebellion, revolt (n.), insurrection
暴動を起こす: boudouookosu: riot (v.), rebel, revolt (v.) <<<
暴動が起こる: boudougaokoru: a riot breaks out
暴動を静める: boudouoshizumeru: suppress a riot <<<
related words: 反乱


pronunciation: boumei
keyword: politics
translation: exile (n.), refuge
亡命する: boumeisuru: exile (v.)
亡命している: boumeishiteiru: live in exile
亡命者: boumeisha: political refugee <<<
亡命政権: boumeiseiken: exiled government <<< 政権


pronunciation: bokin
keyword: politics
translation: fund raising
募金する: bokinsuru: raise money, collect contributions
募金箱: bokinbako: collection box <<<
募金運動: bokinnundou: campaign to raise funds <<< 運動


pronunciation: mikkai
keyword: politics , love
translation: secret (clandestine) meeting (appointment, date)
密会する: mikkaisuru: meet in secret, have a secret meeting with
密会所: mikkaisho: place a secret appointment (date) <<<


pronunciation: minni
keyword: politics
translation: will of the people, public opinion
民意を問う: minniotou: appeal to the judgment of the people, consult the will of the people <<<
synonyms: 世論


pronunciation: minnei
keyword: politics
translation: private ownership
民営の: minneino: privately owned, private
民営化: minneika: privatization <<<
民営化する: minneikasuru: privatize
related words: 国営


pronunciation: minshu
keyword: politics
translation: democracy
民主の: minshuno: democratic
民主的: minshuteki <<<
民主化: minshuka: democratization <<<
民主化する: minshukasuru: democratize
民主党: minshutou: democrat (party) <<<
民主党員: minshutouin: a Democrat <<<
民主国: minshukoku: democratic state, democracy <<<
民主国家: minshukokka <<< 国家
民主主義: minshushugi: democracy <<< 主義
民主政治: minshuseiji: democratic government <<< 政治

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