Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Direct access: 前面 , 其所 , 外側 , 中間 , 中心 , 宙吊り , 手前 , 東西 , 東北 , 同列


pronunciation: zenmen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: front (n.), frontage, facade
前面の: zenmennno: front (a.), frontal
前面に: zenmennni: in front (of)
related words: 正面


pronunciation: soko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 其処
keyword: position
translation: there, that place
其所の: sokono: there, in that place, over there
其所に: sokoni
其所へ: sokoe: there, to that place, thither, and then
其所で: sokode: then, thereupon, now, accordingly
其所ら: sokora: thereabouts, about there, more or less
其所ら中: sokorajuu: all over (the place) <<<
其所から: sokokara: from there, thence
其所まで: sokomade: so far, that far
其所此所に: sokokokoni: here and there <<< 此所
related words: 彼所


pronunciation: sotogawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: outer side, outside (n.)
外側の: sotogawano: outside (a.), outer
外側から: sotogawakara: from without
antonyms: 内側


pronunciation: chuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: middle, medium
中間の: chuukannno: intermediate, mean
中間を取る: chuukannotoru: take the middle value <<<
中間色: chuukanshoku: neutral tints <<<
中間層: chuukansou: middle-class, middle-brows <<<
中間子: chuukanshi: meson <<<
中間駅: chuukanneki: way station <<<
中間選挙: chuukansenkyo: midterm [off-year] election <<< 選挙
中間報告: chuukanhoukoku: interim report <<< 報告
中間貿易: chuukanboueki: intermediate trade <<< 貿易
中間商人: chuukanshounin: middleman, broker <<< 商人
中間搾取: chuukansakushu: intermediary exploitation <<< 搾取
中間試験: chuukanshiken: midterm examination <<< 試験
related words: 中心


pronunciation: chuushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , mathematics
translation: center (n.), middle, core, heart, focus, nucleus
中心の: chuushinnno: central
中心的: chuushinteki <<<
中心を取る: chuushinnotoru: keep one's balance <<<
中心を失う: chuushinnoushinau: lose one's balance <<<
中心に置く: chuushinnnioku: center (v.) <<<
中心地: chuushinchi: center, capital, metropolis <<<
中心軸: chuushinjiku: central axis <<<
中心点: chuushinten: focal, central point, node, pivot <<<
中心部: chuushinbu: central part, core, centrum, centrosphere <<<
中心人物: chuushinjinbutsu: central figure, leader, kingpin <<< 人物
synonyms: 中央
related words: 中間 , 中枢


pronunciation: chuuZuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: midair suspension
宙吊りに成る: chuuZurininaru: hang [be suspended] in the air [in midair] <<<


pronunciation: temae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: I, you (sing.), this side, consideration
手前供: temaedomo: we, you (plur.) <<< , 我々
手前勝手: temaekatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 勝手
手前勝手な: temaekattena: selfish, willful, self-interested, egoistic
手前味噌: temaemiso: self-praise, splurge <<< 味噌
手前味噌を並べる: temaemisoonaraberu: blow one's own trumpet, sing one's own praises <<<
手前味噌ではないが: temaemisodehanaiga: 'I'm not one to boost, but' <<< 味噌
橋の手前: hashinotemae: this side of the bridge <<<
御手前: otemae: your skills <<<
御手前拝見: otemaehaiken: let me [us] see your skills <<< 拝見
related words:


pronunciation: touzai
kanji characters: , 西
keyword: position
translation: east and west
東西線: touzaisen: subway line which goes from east to west <<<
東西屋: touzaiya: crier, bellman <<<
東西南北: touzainanboku: cardinal points <<< 南北
related words: 南北


pronunciation: touhoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , japan
translation: northeast
東北の: touhokuno: northeastern
東北風: touhokuhuu: northeast wind <<<
東北弁: touhokuben: dialect [accent] of Tohoku <<<
東北地方: touhokuchihou: Northeast Japan, Tohoku region, Northeast China, Manchuria <<< 地方
東北本線: touhokuhonsen: Tohoku Main Line (railway which serves Tohoku region from Tokyo) <<< 本線
東北新幹線: touhokushinkansen: Tohoku Shinkansen (highspeed railway which serves Tohoku region from Tokyo)
東北電力: touhokudenryoku: Tohoku electric power company <<< 電力
東北自動車道: touhokujidoushadou: Tohoku Expressway <<< 車道
東北アジア: touhokuajia: Northeast Asia


pronunciation: douretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: the same rank, the same file

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