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Direct access: 傾斜 , 渓流 , 結晶 , 現象 , 源泉 , 高山 , 硬水 , 鉱泉 , 荒野 , 木暗れ


pronunciation: keisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: inclination, slope, acclivity, declivity, skew (n.), list of ship
傾斜する: keishasuru: slant, slope, incline, lean, list, heel
傾斜した: keishashita: inclined, sloping, skew (a.)
傾斜角: keishakaku: angle of inclination, dip <<<
傾斜度: keishado: gradient <<<
傾斜面: keishamen: slope <<<
傾斜計: keishakei: clinometer <<<
急傾斜: kyuukeisha: scarp, escarpment <<<
synonyms: , スロープ


pronunciation: keiryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: mountain stream


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , nature
translation: crystal
結晶する: kesshousuru: crystallize
結晶の: kesshouno: crystalline
結晶化: kesshouka: crystallization <<<
結晶学: kesshougaku: crystallography <<<
結晶系: kesshoukei: crystal system <<<
結晶石: kesshouseki: spar <<<
結晶水: kesshousui: crystal waters <<<
雪の結晶: yukinokesshou: snow crystal <<<


pronunciation: genshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: phenomenon, phenomena
現象の: genshouno: phenomenal
現象論: genshouron: phenomenalism <<<
現象学: genshougaku: phenomenology <<<


pronunciation: gensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , accounting
translation: fountainhead, source
源泉課税: gensenkazei: taxation at the source <<< 課税
源泉徴収: gensenchoushuu: collection of taxes at the source <<< 徴収


pronunciation: kouzan, takayama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: high mountain, Takayama (city)
高山の: kouzannno: alpine, of high mountain
高山病: kouzanbyou: mountain sickness <<<
高山植物: kouzanshokubutsu: alpine plant [flora] <<< 植物
高山生活: kouzanseikatsu: alpine life <<< 生活
高山市: takayamashi: City of Takayama <<<


pronunciation: kousui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: hard water
antonyms: 軟水


pronunciation: kousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: mineral spring, spa, mineral water
鉱泉水: kousensui: mineral water <<<
鉱泉場: kousenjou: spa <<<
鉱泉療法: kousenryouhou: balneotherapy <<< 療法
related words: 温泉 , ミネラル


pronunciation: kouya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: wildness
荒野の七人: kouyanoshichinin: The Magnificent seven (an American western, 1960) <<< 七人
荒野の決闘: kouyanokettou: My Darling Clementine (an American western, 1946) <<< 決闘


pronunciation: kogure
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 木暮
keyword: nature
translation: darkness of the forest

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