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Direct access: 工面 , 苦労 , 経験 , 継承 , 経歴 , 倦怠 , 倹約 , 幸運 , 好機 , 幸福


pronunciation: kumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: contrivance
工面する: kumensuru: manage, contrive, raise money
工面が付く: kumengatsuku: have managed to <<<
工面が良い: kumengayoi: be well-off <<<
工面が悪い: kumengawarui: be badly off <<<


pronunciation: kurou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: hardship, difficulty, trouble
苦労する: kurousuru: suffer troubles, go through hardships
苦労を掛ける: kurouokakeru: give trouble [anxiety] <<<
苦労させる: kurousaseru
苦労の絶えない: kurounotaenai: have no end of troubles <<<
苦労の多い: kurounoooi: full of worries [troubles] <<<
苦労の無い: kurounonai: carefree, free from care, easygoing <<<
苦労の足りない: kurounotarinai: have not seen much of life <<<
苦労の種: kurounotane: source of distress, thorn in one's flesh <<<
苦労人: kurounin: man of the world <<<
苦労性: kuroushou: have the worry habit, be of a nervous temperament, hypochondriac <<<
synonyms: 心配


pronunciation: keiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , job
translation: experience (n.)
経験する: keikensuru: experience (v.), have experience of, meet with, go through, undergo
経験上の: keikenjouno: empirical <<<
経験の有る: keikennnoaru: have experience, be experienced in <<<
経験の無い: keikennnonai: inexperienced, green <<<
未経験の: mikeikennno <<<
経験者: keikensha: man of experience, veteran <<<
未経験者: mikeikensha: inexperienced person, green hand <<<
経験談: keikendan: story of one's experience <<<
経験論: keikenron: empiricism <<<
経験則: keikensoku: rule of thumb <<<
related words: 体験


pronunciation: keishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , life
translation: succession, inheritance, accession
継承する: keishousuru: succeed, inherit, take over
継承者: keishousha: heir, successor, inheritor <<<


pronunciation: keireki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: career, record, one's [personal] history, one's background
経歴が良い: keirekigaii, keirekigayoi: have a good career [record] <<<
経歴が悪い: keirekigawarui: have a bad career [record] <<<
related words: 履歴


pronunciation: kentai
kanji characters:
keyword: life
translation: fatigue, languor, ennui
倦怠感: kentaikan <<<
倦怠を覚える: kentaiooboeru: become tired [fatigued], get bored, feel languid <<<
倦怠を感じる: kentaiokanjiru <<<
倦怠期: kentaiki: stage of weariness <<<
倦怠期に成る: kentaikininaru: become weary of one's married life <<<


pronunciation: kennyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: economy, thrift, frugality
倹約の: kennyakuno: economical, thrifty, saving, frugal
倹約の為: kennyakunotame: for economy's sake <<<
倹約する: kennyakusuru: economize (in), be thrifty [frugal], practice economy, save money
倹約家: kennyakuka: thrifty [frugal] person, economizer <<<
synonyms: 節約


pronunciation: kouun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: luck, fortune, prosperity
幸運な: kouunnna: lucky, fortunate
幸運にも: kouunnnimo: fortunately, luckily, by good luck
幸運を祈る: kouunnoinoru: wish good luck to someone <<<
幸運に恵まれる: kouunnnimegumareru: be lucky [fortunate] <<<
幸運を齎す: kouunnomotarasu: bring fortune [luck] <<<
幸運児: kouunji: fortune's favorite <<<
related words: 幸福 , ラッキー , 不運


pronunciation: kouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: good [favorable, golden] opportunity, good chance [occasion]
好機を逸する: koukioissuru: miss [lose] a chance [a good opportunity] <<<
好機を捕える: koukiotoraeru: seize an opportunity [a good occasion], take time by the forelock <<<
好機を待つ: koukiomatsu: wait for an good opportunity <<<
好機到来: koukitourai: Now's chance <<< 到来
related words: 機会 , チャンス


pronunciation: kouhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: happiness
幸福な: kouhukuna: happy
幸福を祈る: kouhukuoinoru: wish a happiness <<<
related words: 幸運

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