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Direct access: 駝鳥 , 千鳥 , 鳥類 , 止り木 , 剥製 , 白鳥 , 禿鷹 , 蜂鳥 , 羽根 , 飛翔


pronunciation: dachou
kanji characters:
other spells: ダチョウ
keyword: bird
translation: ostrich


pronunciation: chidori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: plover
千鳥足: chidoriashi: stagger (n.), zigzagging <<<
千鳥足の: chidoriashino: zigzagging (a.)
千鳥足で歩く: chidoriashidearuku: (go) zigzag, totter, reel along <<<
蟹千鳥: kanichidori: crab-plover <<<


pronunciation: chourui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: birds, fowls
鳥類学: chouruigaku: ornithology <<<
鳥類学者: chouruigakusha: ornithologist <<< 学者
related words:


pronunciation: tomarigi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 止まり木, 留まり木, 留り木
keyword: bird
translation: perch, bar stool
止り木に止まる: tomariginitomaru: alight on a perch, take its perch, sit on a bar stool <<<


pronunciation: hakusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , bird
translation: stuffed animal [bird]
剥製の: hakuseino: stuffed
剥製にする: hakuseinisuru: stuff
剥製師: hakuseishi: taxidermist <<<
剥製術: hakuseijutsu: taxidermy <<<


pronunciation: hakuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: swan
白鳥の湖: hakuchounomizuumi: Swan Lake <<<
白鳥座: hakuchouza: Cygnus <<<
子白鳥: kohakuchou: cygnet <<<


pronunciation: hagetaka
kanji characters: 禿 ,
keyword: bird
translation: vulture, griffon
related words: コンドル


pronunciation: hachidori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ハチドリ
keyword: bird
translation: hummingbird


pronunciation: hane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , amusement
translation: wing, feather, plume, quill, blade, vane, shuttlecock
羽根突: hanetsuki: Japanese battledore and shuttlecock game <<<
羽根を突く: haneotsuku: play battledore and shuttlecock
related words: 羽子板 ,


pronunciation: hishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , sport
translation: fly (n.), flying, jump, jumping
飛翔する: hishousuru: fly (v.), jump, take a run

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