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category: to learn in school
keyword: society , transport
Number of strokes: 6
translation: cross, intersect, exchange, mix, mingle
交わる: majiwaru: cross, intersect, associate with
交わり: majiwari: intercourse, association, friendship
交わりを結ぶ: majiwariomusubu: make friends (with), cultivate a friendship (with) <<<
交わりを絶つ: majiwariotatsu: break with <<<
交る: majiru: get mixed [mingled] (with), blend <<<
交える: majieru: get mixed, exchange
交ぜる: mazeru: mix, mingle <<<
交: komogomo: one after another
交う: kau: cross (v.), intersect
交わす: kawasu: cross (v.), intersect, exchange

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 7
translation: steam, vapor
汽: yuge <<< 湯気
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: job , transport
Number of strokes: 8
translation: load, carry
担う: ninau: shoulder (v.), carry (a load) on one's shoulders
担ぐ: katsugu: shoulder (v.), carry [have] (a thing) on one's shoulder [back], be superstitious, deceive (jp.), hoax, take (a person) in, play a trick (on)

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 8
translation: reach
届く: todoku: arrive (at, in), reach, get to, get at, be fulfilled [realized, heard]
届ける: todokeru: forward, send, deliver, report, notify
届け出る: todokederu: report, notify <<<
届: todoke: report (send officially, jp.), notice, notification
届け出: todokede <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: shoot, fire, discharge, emit, send forth, shed, emit light, shine, expose, disclose, reveal, dispatch, envoy
hatsu, hotsu
発: hatsu: departure, leaving, shot, shell
発する: hassuru: emit, radiate, give out, send forth, issue, promulgate, utter, originate (in), come [spring] from, flow (from)
発つ: hanatsu: shoot, fire, discharge, emit, send forth, shed, emit light, shine <<<
発こる: okoru: take place, occur <<<
発く: abaku: expose, disclose, reveal <<<
発わす: tsukawasu: dispatch, envoy <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: ride, go on board
乗じる: joujiru: multiply, take advantage of
乗る: noru: ride, go on board, get into (on), get [step] on, mount, take part in, have a share in, fall into, be taken in, fell inclined (to do), feel like (doing)
乗せる: noseru: carry (goods, passengers), take in (passengers), take (passengers) on board, deceive, cheat, betray
乗り上げる: noriageru: run aground [ashore], be stranded, run on (the sidewalk etc.) <<<
乗り合わす: noriawasu: happen to ride (in the same train etc.) with (a person) <<<
乗り入れる: noriireru: ride into, drive (a car) into, extend (a railway line) into (a city) <<<
乗り移る: noriutsuru: change (cars, ships, trains etc.), possess, bedevil <<<
乗り遅れる: noriokureru: miss (a train, a boat, a bus etc.), fail to catch (the train) <<<
乗り掛かる: norikakaru: set about (a new enterprise), be about to get into (a car, a train etc.) <<<
乗り掛ける: norikakeru <<<
乗り切る: norikiru: ride [sail] across, weather (a storm), tide [get] over (difficulties) <<<
乗り越える: norikoeru: get [climb] over, overcome [tide over] (difficulties), clear (an obstacle) <<<
乗り込む: norikomu: get into (a car), board (a ship, a train, a plane), go on board (a ship), arrive at [in], enter, march into <<<
乗り出す: noridasu: set about (one's work), start out (in business), embark on (an enterprise), put (out) to sea, set sail, lean [push oneself] forward <<<
乗り付ける: noritsukeru: ride [drive] up to, get used to driving (a car) <<<
乗り潰す: noritsubusu: ride (a horse) down, drive (a car) so often [roughly] <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: send, ship, mail, post
送る: okuru: send, forward, remit, transmit, ship, consign, dispatch, escort, see (a person) off, spend, pass, lead
送り出す: okuridasu: send out, forward, show (a person) out, see (a person) to the door <<<
送り返す: okurikaesu: send back, return <<<
送り込む: okurikomu: see (a person) home, escort, send into <<<
送り届ける: okuritodokeru <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport , sport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: chase, pursue, follow, seek, expel
tsui, tai
追う: ou: chase, pursue, follow, seek, run after, drive away, expel
追い上げる: oiageru: gain upon <<<
追い返す: oikaesu: send [turn] away, drive back, repulse <<<
追い掛ける: oikakeru: run after (a person), pursue, chase <<<
追い縋る: oisugaru: run after (a person) closely <<<
追い出す: oidasu: drive [send, kick, turn] out, expel, evict, divorce, dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire, extrude (from) <<<
追い立てる: oitateru: drive on [away], urge on, hasten (a person), eject [evict] (a person) <<<
追い散らす: oichirasu: drive [send] away, scatter [disperse] (the crowd), put (the enemy) to rout, ding <<<
追い払う: oiharau <<<
追い付く: oitsuku: overtake, catch [come] up with, gain upon <<<
追い詰める: oitsumeru: corner, drive (a person) into a corner, bring (an animal) to bay, run down (a person) <<<
追い回す: oimawasu: chase about, follow [hang] about, dangle after, order (a person) about <<<
追い遣る: oiyaru: drive [send] (a person) away, relegate (a person) to a lower position, demote <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 10
translation: distribute, deliver, display, spread, couple (bor.), spouse
配べる: naraberu: display, spread <<<
配: tsureai: couple, spouse, companion <<< 連合い
配る: kubaru: distribute, hand out, serve out, deal (cards to players), deliver, send out, send out, dispose, arrange, allot, apportion

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 10
translation: lotus, load (bor.), baggage, burden
ka, ga
荷: ka: unit to count packages
荷: ni: load (n.), baggage, burden
荷う: ninau: carry (a load) on one's shoulders, load (v.), shoulder <<<
荷: hasu: lotus <<<

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