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Direct access: 独立 , 内閣 , 内政 , 内紛 , 内務 , 難民 , 任期 , 認証 , 根回し , 廃止


pronunciation: dokuritsu
keyword: politics
translation: independence, autonomy
独立の: dokuritsuno: independent, self-supporting
独立する: dokuritsusuru: become independent
独立した: dokuritsushita: independent, autonomous
独立国: dokuritsukoku: independent country <<<
独立心: dokuritsushin: spirit of independence <<<
独立権: dokuritsuken: autonomy, self determination <<<
独立祭: dokuritsusai: the Independence Day <<<
独立記念日: dokuritsukinenbi
独立戦争: dokuritsusensou: war of independence, the Revolutionary War <<< 戦争
独立家屋: dokuritsukaoku: detached house <<< 家屋
独立法人: dokuritsuhoujin: independent administrative institution <<< 法人
独立行政法人: dokuritsugyouseihoujin


pronunciation: naikaku
keyword: politics
translation: (ministerial) cabinet
内閣に入る: naikakunihairu: go into the cabinet <<<
内閣を作る: naikakuotsukuru: form (organize) a cabinet <<<
内閣を組織する: naikakuososhikisuru <<< 組織
内閣を倒す: naikakuotaosu: overthrow the cabinet <<<
内閣府: naikakuhu: cabinet office <<<
内閣改造: naikakukaizou: reconstruction (reshuffle) of the cabinet <<< 改造
内閣更迭: naikakukoutetsu: ministerial (cabinet) change <<< 更迭
内閣総理大臣: naikakusouridaijin: prime minister <<< 大臣
内閣官房長官: naikakukanbouchoukan: director of cabinet secretariat <<< 長官
内閣総辞職: naikakusoujishoku: general resignation of the cabinet


pronunciation: naisei
keyword: politics
translation: home affairs, internal affairs, home administration
内政の: naiseino: internal
内政問題: naiseimondai: internal problem <<< 問題
内政干渉: naiseikanshou: intervention <<< 干渉


pronunciation: naihun
keyword: politics
translation: internal trouble [disturbance], infighting


pronunciation: naimu
keyword: politics
translation: home [internal] affairs
内務省: naimushou: Ministry of Home Affairs, Home Office, Department of the Interior <<<
内務大臣: naimudaijin: Secretary for Home Affairs, Home Minister, Secretary of the Interior <<< 大臣
antonyms: 外務


pronunciation: nanmin
keyword: politics
translation: refugee, displaced person
難民キャンプ: nanminkyanpu: refugee camp
難民収容所: nanminshuuyousho


pronunciation: ninki
keyword: politics , calendar
translation: term (of office)
任期満了: ninkimanryou: expiration of a term


pronunciation: ninshou
keyword: security , politics
translation: attestation, certification, authentication
認証する: ninshousuru: attest, certify, authenticate
認証式: ninshoushiki: attestation ceremony, investiture <<<
related words: 認定


pronunciation: nemawashi
keyword: politics
translation: prearrangements
根回しする: nemawashisuru: make necessary prearrangements (for)


pronunciation: haishi
keyword: politics
translation: abolition, abrogation, repeal (n.), discontinuation, suppression
廃止する: haishisuru: abolish, abrogate, repeal (v.), discontinue, suppress
related words: 廃棄

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