Japanese display
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Direct access: 還流 , 外来 , 岩石 , 岩盤 , 希薄 , 急流 , 峡谷 , 逆流 , 空洞 , 渓谷


pronunciation: kanryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , electricity
translation: reflux, return current
還流する: kanryuusuru: flow back


pronunciation: gairai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , nature
translation: foreign origin, coming from abroad, from the outside
外来の: gairaino: foreign, extern, from the outside
外来語: gairaigo: loanword <<<
外来種: gairaishu: foreign species <<<
外来植物: gairaishokubutsu: exotic plant <<< 植物
外来思想: gairaishisou: alien idea <<< 思想
外来患者: gairaikanja: outpatient <<< 患者
外来診察: gairaishinsatsu: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 診察
外来診療: gairaishinryou <<< 診療
外来診療科: gairaishinryouka: outpatient department <<<
related words: 外国


pronunciation: ganseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: rock
岩石の多い: gansekinoooi: rocky, craggy <<<
岩石学: gansekigaku: petrography <<<
岩石圏: gansekiken: lithosphere <<<


pronunciation: ganban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: base rock


pronunciation: kihaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 稀薄
keyword: nature
translation: rarity, thinness
希薄な: kihakuna: weak, thin, diluted, sparse, rare
希薄な空気: kihakunakuuki: rarefied [thin] air <<< 空気
希薄にする: kihakunisuru: weaken, rarefy, dilute


pronunciation: kyuuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: rapid current, rushing stream, torrent
急流を遡る: kyuuryuuosakanoboru: go up a rapid <<<


pronunciation: kyoukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: ravine, gorge, canyon, water gap
related words: 谷間


pronunciation: gyakuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: back current, adverse tide
逆流する: gyakuryuusuru: flow backward, surge back


pronunciation: kuudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: cavity, hollow (n.), empty
空洞の: kuudouno: hollow (a.), empty
空洞化: kuudouka: hollow (n.), excavation <<<
空洞化する: kuudoukasuru: hollow (v.)


pronunciation: keikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: ravine, glen, couloir, gulch, canyon

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