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Direct access: 流入 , 漏洩 , , , , , ジャンク , スモッグ , ダイオキシン , リサイクル


pronunciation: ryuunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: inflow, influx
流入する: ryuunyuusuru: flow [stream, come] in
antonyms: 流出


pronunciation: rouei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: leakage, disclosure
漏洩する: roueisuru: leak (out), be let out, be revealed [disclosed, divulged]

category: to learn in school
keyword: environment
Number of strokes: 10
translation: injury, harm, mischief, damage, evil, hurt, impair, disaster, why (bor.)
gai, katsu
害: gai: injury, harm (n.), mischief, damage, evil, harmful [evil, ill] effects
害する: gaisuru: injure, harm (v.), do harm, hurt, impair, damage, scathe
害を加える: gaiokuwaeru <<<
害を被る: gaiokoumuru: suffer damage <<<
害の有る: gainoaru: harmful, hurtful, injurious <<<
害に成る: gaininaru: be injurious [harmful, destructive] <<<
害の無い: gainonai: harmless <<<
害う: sokonau: harm (v.), damage <<<
害: wazawai: harm (n.), disaster, misfortune, evil <<<
害ぞ: nanzo: why <<<

category: common usage
keyword: environment , hygiene
Number of strokes: 6
translation: dirt, filth, soil, contamination, dirty, pollute, dishonor, spot
o, wa
汚す: yogosu: dirty (vt.), soil, stain
汚れ: yogore: dirt, filth, soil, contamination
汚れ物: yogoremono: dirty [soiled] things, washing, laundry <<<
汚れを取る: yogoreotoru: take out a stain (from) <<<
汚れる: yogoreru: dirty (vi.)
汚れた: yogoreta: dirty (a.)
汚れっぽい: yogoreppoi: easily soiled, liable to be soiled
汚れ易い: yogoreyasui <<<
汚れる: kegareru: be polluted, be dishonored, sully
汚す: kegasu: dishonor
汚れ: kegare: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame <<<
汚れの無い: kegarenonai: stainless, taintless, clean, pure, innocent <<<
汚い: kitanai: dirty (a.), filthy, unclean, soiled, shabby, nasty, indecent, obscene, mean, base, unfair, foul, stingy, niggardly
汚くする: kitanakusuru: stain, soil, make dirty

category: common usage
keyword: environment
Number of strokes: 11
translation: open by pushing
排く: oshihiraku

category: JIS1
keyword: condiment , environment
Number of strokes: 7
translation: mustard, rubbish (ext.), dust
kai, ke
芥: karashi: mustard <<< 辛子
芥: akuta: rubbish, dust
芥: gomi: refuse, rubbish, trash, garbage


pronunciation: janku
etymology: junk (eg.)
keyword: environment
translation: junk
ジャンク・フード: jankuhuudo: junk food <<< フード
ジャンク・ボンド: jankubondo: junk bonds <<< ボンド
ジャンク債権: jankusaiken
synonyms: 我楽多


pronunciation: sumoggu
other spells: スモック
etymology: smog (eg.)
keyword: environment
translation: smog
スモックスモッグ注意報: sumogguchuuihou: smog alert


pronunciation: daiokishin
etymology: dioxin (eg.)
keyword: chemistry , environment
translation: dioxin


pronunciation: risaikuru
etymology: recycle (eg.)
keyword: environment
translation: recycling (n.)
リサイクルする: risaikurusuru: recycle (v.)
リサイクル紙: risaikurushi: recycled paper <<<
リサイクル運動: risaikuruundou: recycling movement [campaign]
リサイクル技術: risaikurugijutsu: recycling technology
リサイクル・ショップ: risaikurushoppu: recycling shop <<< ショップ

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