ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
直接アクセス: モーター , ラッシュ , ランプ , レーダー , ロープ , , , , ,


語源:motor (eg.)
キーワード: 機械学 , 交通
翻訳:motor, engine
モーターを掛ける: もーたーをかける: start a motor <<<
モーターを止める: もーたーをとめる: stop a motor <<<
モーター・ボート: もーたー・ぼーと: motor boat <<< ボート
モーター・バイク: もーたー・ばいく: motorbike <<< バイク
モーター・ショー: もーたー・しょー: motor show <<< ショー


語源:rush (eg.)
キーワード: 交通
ラッシュアワー: らっしゅあわー: rush hour


語源:lamp (eg.), ramp (eg.)
キーワード: 交通 ,
翻訳:lamp, ramp
ランプを点ける: らんぷをつける: light a lamp <<<
ランプを消す: らんぷをけす: put out a lamp <<<
ランプの傘: らんぷのかさ: lamp shade <<<
ランプの芯: らんぷのしん: lamp wick <<<
ランプの火屋: らんぷのほや: lamp chimney
吊りランプ: つりらんぷ: hanging lamp <<<
関連語: 電球


語源:radar (eg.)
キーワード: 武器 , 交通
レーダー網: れーだーもう: radar network [fence] <<<
レーダー基地: れーだーきち: radar base
レーダー装置: れーだーそうち: radar equipment [set]
レーダースクリーン: れーだーすくりーん: radar screen <<< スクリーン
レーダービーコン: れーだーびーこん: radar beacon, racon


語源:rope (eg.)
キーワード: 交通 , スポーツ
翻訳:rope, cord, cable, tether
ロープウェイ: ろーぷうぇい: ropeway, aerial cableway
同意語: , ケーブル

キーワード: 交通
画数: 2
翻訳:enter, insert, in, into
ニュウ, ジュ
入る: はいる: enter, go [come, get, step] in [into], let oneself in, break [force one's way] into, participate in, hold, contain, be included, accommodate, have an income of, score
入らせる: はいらせる: admit, let (a person) into
入れる: いれる: put in [into], pour in, pack in, let in, insert, set in, accommodate, include, listen to, accept, grant, hire, employ
入る: いる: necessary (jp.)
入り: いり: income (jp.)
入: しお: unit of the dyeing (jp.)

キーワード: 建築 , 交通
画数: 4
翻訳:draw, pull, haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract
引く: ひく: draw, pull, give a pull (at), haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract, catch, lead, quote, cite, refer to, conduct, install, lay on, inherit, reduce, cut down, subtract, [deduct] (from), take away from, lay on (paint), oil, wax
引き離す: ひきはなす: pull apart, estrange, run ahead of (a person), have a lead on (a person), wean <<<
引き返す: ひきかえす: come [go] back, return <<<
引き籠る: ひきこもる: stay indoors, shut oneself in, be laid up, keep to one's bed <<<
引き戻す: ひきもどす: pull [bring] back <<<
引き起こす: ひきおこす: raise [lift] up, help (a person) to get up, cause, bring about (an event), unleash, entail <<<
引き裂く: ひきさく: tear up, tear (cloth) to pieces, rend, split, sever (the two), estrange <<<
引き絞る: ひきしぼる: draw aside, tuck up, bend (a bow) into a ring [to the full], strain (one's voice) <<<
引き倒す: ひきたおす: pull down <<<
引き止める: ひきとめる: detain, have a person stay, buttonhole (a person), keep [hold] back <<<
引き延ばす: ひきのばす: extend, prolong, protract <<<
引き寄せる: ひきよせる: draw (a thing) near [toward, close to] one, attract <<<
引き摺る: ひきずる: draw, pull along, trail <<<
引き摺り込む: ひきずりこむ: drag [bring, force] in
引き攣る: ひきつる: be cramped, have a cramp
引き攣った: ひきつった: cramped, twitchy
引っ掻く: ひっかく: scratch, claw <<<
引っ括める: ひっくるめる: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<
引っ立てる: ひったてる: walk [march] (a person) off <<<
引っ手繰る: ひったくる: take (a thing) by force, snatch (off, away)(from)
引くに引かれぬ: ひくにひかれぬ: unavoidable, inevitable

キーワード: 交通
画数: 4
翻訳:foot, stop (bor.), finish, cease

止: あし: foot <<<
止まる: とまる: stop (vi.), halt, come to a stop [halt, halt, standstill], pull [draw] up, run down, stay, perch [alight] on, be discontinue, be suspended, cease
止める: とどめる: stop (vt.), cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave
止め: とどめ: finishing stroke [blow], coup de grace
止める: とめる: stop (vt.), bring (a thing) to stop, turn off, switch [cut] off, allay, stem
止む: やむ: stop (vi.), cease, come to an end, be over, abate, calm down, lull, die away [down, out], fade away, leave off
止める: やめる: stop (doing), cease (doing, to do), put an end to, discontinue (doing), give up (doing), abandon, abolish, do away with, break oneself of, refrain [abstain] from
止むを得ない: やむをえない: unavoidable, inevitable, irresistible, necessary, obligatory <<<
止むを得ず: やむをえず: unavoidably, inevitably, of necessity, out of sheer necessity <<<
同意語: ストップ

キーワード: 交通
画数: 5
翻訳:wrap, pack, envelop, packet, package, parcel
包む: つつむ: wrap up, pack up, cover, envelop (in), surround (with), conceal
包み: つつみ: packet, package, parcel, bundle, bale
包みにする: つつみにする: make a bundle [package] of (things), wrap (goods)
包みを解く: つつみをとく, つつみをほどく: open [undo, unwrap] a package <<<
包み隠す: つつみかくす: enshroud, conceal, keep (a matter) secret (from a person) <<<
包み隠さず: つつみかくさず: frankly, openly <<<
包み込む: つつみこむ: wrap (a thing) in (paper) <<<
包み直す: つつみなおす: wrap (a thing) again <<<
包める: くるめる: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 5
翻訳:exit, out, quit, leave
シュツ, スイ
出る: でる: go out, come out, exit, quit, leave
出掛ける: でかける: go out, start for, set out [off] <<<
出す: だす: take out, put out
出し合う: だしあう: contribute jointly, bear the expenses between [among] pool, chip in, <<<
出し入れ: だしいれ: taking in and out, depositing and drawing, receipts and payments <<<
出し惜しむ: だしおしむ: grudge, be unwilling to give <<<
出しっ放しにする: だしっぱなしにする: leave (a tag) open, leave (the water) following, leave (a thing), lying about <<<
出し抜く: だしぬく: forestall (a person), anticipate, steal a march upon (a person), scoop, outwit, over-reach (a person) <<<
出し抜けに: だしぬけに: suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly, unexpectedly, unawares, without notice <<<
出しゃ張る: でしゃばる: push oneself forward, interfere (in an affair), thrust one's nose into <<<
出損なう: でそこなう: fail to go [come] out, miss a chance to go out <<<
出揃う: でそろう: appear all together <<<
出過ぎる: ですぎる: be too far out, be too strong (tea) <<<

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