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Direct access: ヨット , ランチ , , , , , , , ,


pronunciation: yotto
etymology: yacht (eg.)
keyword: ship
translation: sailboat, sailing boat, yacht (n.)
ヨットに乗る: yottoninoru: yacht (v.), cruise in a yacht <<<
ヨット操縦: yottosoujuu: yachting
ヨット競走: yottokyousou: yachting race
ヨットレース: yottoreesu <<< レース
ヨットハーバー: yottohaabaa: yacht [yachting] harbor <<< ハーバー
ヨットクラブ: yottokurabu: yacht club <<< クラブ
ヨットマン: yottoman: yachtsman
ヨットパーカ: yottopaaka: yacht parka <<< パーカ


pronunciation: ranchi
etymology: lunch (eg.), launch (eg.)
keyword: food , ship
translation: lunch, luncheon, steam launch
ランチを食べる: ranchiotaberu: have [take] lunch <<<
ランチを注文する: ranchiochuumonsuru: order lunch
ランチ・タイム: ranchitaimu: lunchtime <<< タイム
ランチ・メニュー: ranchimenyuu: lunch menu <<< メニュー
synonyms: 昼食 , 昼飯

category: to learn in school
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cross by ship
航る: wataru: cross over, go over, walk [run, ride, drive, sail] across, ferry <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 11
translation: ship, vessel
船: hune
船: huna
船で: hunede: on board a ship, by ship, by sea
船を降りる: huneooriru: leave [get off] a ship, disembark <<<
船が出る: hunegaderu: sail, leave port <<<
船が着く: hunegatsuku: arrive in port, enter port <<<
船に乗る: huneninoru: go [get] aboard [on board] a ship, embark (vi.) <<<
船に乗せる: huneninoseru: embark (vt.) <<<
船に強い: hunenitsuyoi: be a good sailor <<<
船に弱い: huneniyowai: be a bad sailor <<<
船を漕ぐ: huneokogu: row (a boat), nod (in a theater) <<<
船に酔う: huneniyou: get [become] seasick <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 12
translation: harbor, port, haven
港: minato
港の: minatono: port (a.)
港に入る: minatonihairu: enter port <<<
港を出る: minatooderu: leave port <<<
港に寄る: minatoniyoru: call at a port <<<

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 6
translation: ship, boat, vessel
舟: hune: ship, boat, tub (jp.), bathtub <<<
related words: ボート

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 6
translation: sail, canvas
帆: ho
帆を上げる: hooageru: hoist a sail <<<
帆を掛ける: hookakeru: set a sail <<<
帆を下げる: hoosageru: lower [strike] a sail <<<
帆を降ろす: hooorosu <<<
帆を巻く: hoomaku: furl a sail <<<
帆を絞る: hooshiboru: shorten a sail <<<

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 7
translation: dive, plunge, sink, submerge
chin, jin, shin
沈む: shizumu: dive (vi.), plunge, sink, go to the bottom, go down, set, be downcast, be dejected, feel depressed
沈める: shizumeru: plunge (vt.), sink, send (a ship) to the bottom, submerge
沈んだ: shizunda: dejected, dispirited, melancholy, somber, quiet

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 9
translation: harbor, port, haven
津: tsu

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 11
translation: ship
舶: oobune: big boat

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