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Direct access: 防火 , 防波堤 , 防壁 , 摩天楼 , 棟上 , 木造 , 模型 , 屋根 , 溶接 , 欄干


pronunciation: bouka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: fire prevention, fire fighting
防火の: boukano: fireproof
防火壁: boukaheki: firewall <<<
防火線: boukasen: fire break, fire line <<<
防火栓: boukasen: fire plug, hydrant <<<
防火演習: boukaenshuu: fire drill <<< 演習
防火訓練: boukakunren <<< 訓練
防火設備: boukasetsubi: fire protection, safeguard against fire <<< 設備
防火装置: boukasouchi <<< 装置


pronunciation: bouhatei
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: construction
translation: break-water, mole, bulwark
防波堤を築く: bouhateiokizuku: build a break-water [mole] <<<


pronunciation: bouheki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: protective wall, barrier, bulwark
related words: 城壁


pronunciation: matenrou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: construction
translation: skyscraper


pronunciation: muneage
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: ridgepole-raising, setting up of the framework (of a house)
棟上する: muneagesuru: raise [set up] the framework (of a house)
棟上式: muneageshiki: framework-raising ceremony, ceremony of putting up the ridge beam (of a new house) <<<


pronunciation: mokuzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: wooden construction
木造の: mokuzouno: wooden, of wood
木造家屋: mokuzoukaoku: wooden house, frame house <<< 家屋


pronunciation: mokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , construction
translation: model (n.), pattern, mold
模型を作る: mokeiotsukuru: model (v.), make a model <<<
模型地図: mokeichizu: relief map <<< 地図
模型飛行機: mokeihikouki: model [miniature] airplane
模型自動車: mokeijidousha: model [miniature] car <<< 自動車
related words: モデル


pronunciation: yane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof
屋根瓦: yanegawara: roof tile <<<
屋根板: yaneita: shingle <<<
屋根屋: yaneya: roofer, thatcher <<<
屋根裏: yaneura: attic, garret <<<
屋根裏部屋: yaneurabeya <<< 部屋
屋根窓: yanemado: roof window, attic window, rooflight, skylight <<<
related words: 屋上


pronunciation: yousetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: welding
溶接する: yousetsusuru: weld
溶接機: yousetsuki: welding machine <<<
溶接工: yousetsukou: welder <<<
溶接剤: yousetsuzai: welding agent <<<
related words: 半田


pronunciation: rankan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: railing, handrail, balustrade
橋の欄干: hashinorankan: bridge handrail [parapet, railing] <<<

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