Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 横顔 , 落選 , 螺旋 , 裸体 , 輪郭 , 露出


pronunciation: yokogao
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: side [half] face, profile
横顔を描く: yokogaooegaku: draw in profile, draw a profile <<<


pronunciation: rakusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , art
translation: defeat, rejection
落選する: rakusensuru: be defeated in an election, be rejected
落選者: rakusensha: unsuccessful candidate <<<
落選作品: rakusensakuhin: rejected work <<< 作品
antonyms: 当選


pronunciation: rasen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: spiral, screw
螺旋状: rasenjou: screw-shaped <<<
螺旋形: rasenkei: screw shape <<<
螺旋階段: rasenkaidan: spiral stairs <<< 階段
related words: 渦巻


pronunciation: ratai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: naked [nude] body, nakedness, nudity
裸体の: rataino: nude, naked, stark-naked
裸体で: rataide: in the nude, in the altogether
裸体に成る: rataininaru: become naked, strip oneself naked, take off all one's clothes <<<
裸体画: rataiga: nude picture <<<
裸体像: rataizou: nude statue [figure] <<<
裸体美: rataibi: physical [nude] beauty <<<
裸体主義: rataishugi: nudism <<< 主義
裸体主義者: rataishugisha: nudist <<<
related words: ヌード


pronunciation: rinkaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: outline, contour
輪郭を描く: rinkakuoegaku: outline (v.), give an outline, sketch <<<
輪郭を述べる: rinkakuonoberu <<<
輪郭のはっきりした: rinkakunohakkirishita: clear-cut, well defined
輪郭地図: rinkakuchizu: outline map <<< 地図
顔の輪郭: kaonorinkaku: facial contour [outline] <<<
related words: スケッチ


pronunciation: roshutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: exposure
露出する: roshutsusuru: expose
露出した: roshutsushita: exposed
露出計: roshutsukei: light meter <<<
露出狂: roshutsukyou: exhibitionist <<<
露出症: roshutsushou: exhibitionism <<<
露出時間: roshutsujikan: time of exposure <<< 時間
露出過度: roshutsukado: overexposure <<< 過度
露出不足: roshutsubusoku: underexposure <<< 不足

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