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Direct access: 雌狼 , 雌鹿 , 猛獣 , 土竜 , 山羊 , 野牛 , 夜行 , 野獣 , 野生 , 山荒


pronunciation: mesuookami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: she-wolf, female wolf


pronunciation: mesujika
kanji characters: , 鹿
keyword: animal
translation: hind, doe


pronunciation: moujuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: fierce animal, beast
猛獣使い: moujuutsukai: tamer, trainer of wild animals <<< 使
猛獣狩: moujuugari: big game hunting <<<
related words: 野獣


pronunciation: mogura
kanji characters: ,
other spells: モグラ
keyword: animal
translation: mole
土竜塚: moguraZuka: molehill <<<
土竜叩き: moguratataki: mole-bashing game <<<


pronunciation: yagi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ヤギ
keyword: animal
translation: goat
山羊が鳴く: yagiganaku: bleat <<<
山羊皮: yagigawa: goatskin, kidskin, kid leather <<<
山羊座: yagiza: the Goat, Capricorn <<<
山羊髭: yagihige: goatee <<<
子山羊: koyagi: young goat, kid <<<
雄山羊: osuyagi: he-goat <<<
雌山羊: mesuyagi: she-goat <<<


pronunciation: yagyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: wild ox, buffalo, bison
related words: バッファロー


pronunciation: yakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train , animal
translation: night train [bus]
夜行性: yakousei: nocturnal (animal) <<<
夜行動物: yakoudoubutsu: nocturnal animal <<< 動物
夜行列車: yakouressha: night train <<< 列車
夜行バス: yakoubasu: night bus


pronunciation: yajuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: wild animal
野獣の様な: yajuunoyouna: brutal, beastly <<<
野獣派: yajuuha: fauvism, fauvist <<<
野獣性: yajuusei: brutality, bestiality <<<
related words: 猛獣


pronunciation: yasei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , plant
translation: wildness
野生の: yaseino: wild
野生する: yaseisuru: grow wild
野生植物: yaseishokubutsu: wild plant <<< 植物
野生動物: yaseidoubutsu: wild animal <<< 動物
野生のエルザ: yaseinoeruza: Born Free (an American movie, 1966)
synonyms: 自然


pronunciation: yamaarashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 豪猪, ヤマアラシ
keyword: animal
translation: porcupine

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