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Direct access: 父母 , 扶養 , 母子 , 母乳 , 孫娘 , 継母 , 身内 , 未亡人 , 名字 , 無縁


pronunciation: hubo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: father and mother, one's parents
父母の愛: hubonoai: parental affection [love] <<<
父母会: hubokai: association of parents of students <<<
祖父母: sohubo: grandparents <<<
synonyms: 両親


pronunciation: huyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: support, maintenance
扶養する: huyousuru: maintain, support, provide for
扶養者: huyousha: supporter, sustainer <<<
扶養の義務: huyounogimu: obligation to support <<< 義務
扶養の義務が有る: huyounogimugaaru: have an obligation to support <<<
扶養家族: huyoukazoku: a dependent, a family to support <<< 家族
扶養家族が多い: huyoukazokugaooi: have a large family to support <<<
扶養手当: huyouteate: family allowance <<< 手当
扶養控除: huyoukoujo: exemption for dependents (from taxes) <<< 控除


pronunciation: boshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: mother and child
母子寮: boshiryou: widow's home <<<
母子家庭: boshikatei: family of the mother and a child <<< 家庭
母子手帳: boshitechou: maternity passbook <<< 手帳


pronunciation: bonyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: mother's milk
母乳で育てる: bonyuudesodateru: feed (a baby) on mother's milk, rear (a baby) at the breast <<<
母乳で育った: bonyuudesodatta: breast-fed
related words: 哺乳


pronunciation: magomusume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: granddaughter


pronunciation: mamahaha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: stepmother


pronunciation: miuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: one's relations [relatives], one's folks, one's followers
synonyms: 子分 , 親類


pronunciation: miboujin
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: family
translation: widow
未亡人に成る: miboujinnninaru: be left a widow, lose one's husband <<<
synonyms: 後家


pronunciation: myouji
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 苗字
keyword: family
translation: surname, family name, last name
related words: 名前


pronunciation: muen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: irrelevance
無縁の: muennno: without relatives, unrelated, irrelevant
無縁の墓: muennnohaka: neglected grave <<<
無縁墓地: muenbochi: potter's field <<< 墓地

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